Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 21/01/2022
TIME: 08:30
Learning Assessment in School Geography - CLASS DIARY.


School Geography. Teaching. Learning Assessment. Pedagogical Practice. Teacher. GEOPROF.

PAGES: 197
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia

Geography has carried out studies that reflect social transformations and ways of space organization. The concepts, methods, and theories, typical of this science, constitute the basis of the knowledge that integrates the Teaching of Geography and the knowledge discussed in the school contents, which are specific to the discipline. The knowledge generated by this science receives treatment and is organized within a didactic planning structure, giving organicity to classes, contents, and assessment procedures, building the field of School Geography’s application. The learning assessment, one of the elements of this organicity, is connected to the way of teaching, articulated to didactic planning, as one of the steps of the content presentation process and knowledge building. Even though it is a significant step in the teaching process, the approaches and scientific analyses upon the assessment are not exhaustive yet, which aroused interest in the study. Throughout the process of initial training and exercise of the magisterium, there were some concerns and questions, which gave rise to the problem addressed in this study, when entering the Professional Master’s Degree in Geography, for instance: what are the doubts, curiosities, and practices of assessment developed in the Teaching of Geography by teachers in the third and fourth grade of Elementary School? Based on this, we defined as the general objective for this study: to produce textual material with guidelines on the development of learning assessment procedures in School Geography for the third and fourth grade of Elementary School. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach of an applied nature, with an exploratory objective, organized through the following analyses: a) exploratory study, supported by the application of a survey that provided the opportunity to know the doubts and curiosities of teachers in the third and fourth grade of Elementary School in relation to learning assessment; b) documental analysis, to gather information about the aspects of learning assessment, from the exploration of national documents such as the Common National Curriculum Base (2017), National Curriculum Guidelines (2013), and the municipal guidelines, among which are the Amendment to the Operational Guidelines for the functioning of municipal schools in São Bento/2010, the evaluative proposal for remote education and the Strategic Plan for 2021’s classes; c) narrative review, which enabled the selection of works that form the basis of the theoretical reflection that guided us in discussions on the Teaching of Geography, referenced by Cavalcanti (2013), Gomes (2010), Vesentini (2004) Straforini (2004), Callai (2011), Thiesen (2011), Sacristán and Gómez (1998), Hadji (1994), Villas Boas (2008), Haydt (2008); d) and finally, the systematic review, essential to collect information about the learning assessment. Among the findings from this study, we can highlight the identification of a set of curiosities and didactic/pedagogical difficulties of teachers regarding the use of learning assessment in this curricular component, which led to the production of instructional textual material to answer those questions, accompanied by a description of successful teaching strategies and a glossary with the definition of terms and expressions common in the teaching practice. This production is supported by the firm observation that the learning assessment in Geography aims to contribute to the construction of the student’s geographic knowledge and for the development of skills and abilities, always bearing in mind the characteristics of learning and the teaching objectives. As a result of these findings, we propose a textual material that could contribute to the teacher's pedagogical practice and, consequently, to the organization of a favorable assessment process for the student and his/her learning, named: Learning Assessment in School Geography – Class Diary. This material is the result of studies developed in the context of the Professional Master's Degree in Geography – GEOPROF/UFRN, a program that has provided opportunities for the organization of studies and reflections upon the practice of teaching and learning assessment in the context of School Geography.

Externa à Instituição - DENISE WILDNER THEVES - UFRGS
Externo ao Programa - 012.611.234-76 - DJANNI MARTINHO DOS SANTOS SOBRINHO - UFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/01/2022 14:39
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