Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 14/06/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala virtual Google Meet



Lexicology. Neology. Neologism. Song lyrics. Funk.

PAGES: 115
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística

This research aims to provide an intervention proposal that, starting from the funk musical genre, can lead students to knowledge about neology and neologisms. Given that a language is constituted as an open and indeterminate system, it is natural that there is a renewal of linguistic signs, as new words are created and existing words are re-signified. A word, whether written or spoken, is the result of a cultural and historical process that indicates changes experienced by society. The choice of this topic comes from the need for teaching Portuguese based on textual genres, considering the context in which the students are inserted, with funk lyrics being a very popular genre on the outskirts of large cities. Therefore, it is intended to demystify a teaching that overestimates normative grammar and to demonstrate to students that the process of language evolution is constant and happens in all spaces, including the communities of which they are a part. This study is especially based on the perspectives of Alves (1990), Biderman (2001), Almeida e Correia (2012), Bakhtin (2003) e Marcuschi (2008). This is an action research with a qualitative approach, focused on the teacher/student relationship. Initially, a bibliographic research will be carried out, which will serve as a basis for the application of a didactic sequence, according to the model of Schneuwly and Dolz (2004). Through the application of a survey, it will be possible to draw an initial diagnosis about the knowledge that the group of students has about funk musical genre and then develop the theory and practice about the studies of neology and neologisms in the following modules. As a final product of this research, it is intended to elaborate a mini glossary with words and expressions identified in funk music and that are understood as a result of a neological process. Thus, a teaching that values students’ linguistic and sociocultural background stands out, as well as the students' awareness as transforming agents of their own language is defended.

Presidente - 2275923 - MARCIO SALES SANTIAGO
Externo ao Programa - 2916579 - LUCELIO DANTAS DE AQUINO
Externa à Instituição - MARIÂNGELA DE ARAÚJO - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/06/2022 15:20
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