
The proposal of a Professional Master's degree Program in Geography derives primarily from the need for continuous qualification for teachers who work in the basic education network and who, over time, have acquired training/education at undergraduate level and entered the job market, but do not have, at the state level, a stricto sensu qualification.


Created in 2015, the Professional Master's Degree in Geography (GEOPROF) is an in-person program offered by UFRN, in line with its Institutional Development Plan with respect to the policy of strengthening of the countryside and of expansion of graduate education and of the integrating actions with the undergraduate programs, encouraging the production of knowledge. The program aims to meet the demands of continuing training primarily for Geography teachers of the basic education network who operate in the territory of Rio Grande do Norte and in other federal states.


Currently, the Graduate Program in Geography - Professional Master's Degree, in accordance with the CAPES’s evaluation criteria, has grade 3.


Area of Concentration and Lines of Research


Area of Concentration: Teaching of Geography

Description: In the continuous education of the teacher who acts in basic education in Geography, it is fundamental to deepen the issues related to the spatial dynamics, relating them to the specifics that are pertinent to teaching. The concentration of studies that favors the development of different theoretical-practical concepts linked to the teaching of school geography contributes to the construction of knowledge that reflects on experiences and processes of this area and the elaboration of educational products.


Line of Research I: Geographic knowledge in the school environment

Description: This line aims to develop studies and products about the teaching-learning process of Geography, related to the knowledge and school practices, whose focus falls on: curriculum, teacher and student training/education, teacher, theories and didactic practice and evaluation.


Line of Research II: Geography Teaching Methodology

Description: This line aims to develop studies and products on the teaching-learning process of Geography, related to teaching methodologies, with emphasis on languages, learning objects and educational technologies.

Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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