
Geography is the science that studies the interactions between man and the environment in geographical space, which presupposes a broad set of interfaces with other areas of scientific knowledge. The Bachelor of Geography course is part of the Department of Geography of CERES and emphasizes the studies of the Brazilian semiarid, aiming to enable its students in data collection, interpretation and discussion of landscapes, places and regions. Fifty vacancies are offered annually, with single entry at the beginning of the year. The bachelor of geography must be able to participate in theoretical classroom discussions and practical field activities. Students are encouraged to participate in teaching, research and extracurricular extension activities in one of the seven laboratories. The course has a climate station, a sector library and four thematic rooms. The faculty is mostly made up of doctoral professors. The average duration is 4 years, with a maximum time of 7 years and six months.

Program Coordination: JOAO SANTIAGO REIS

Phone: (84) 99229-6572


Professional Title: Not available at this moment CNPQ's Knowledge Area: Ciências Humanas Academic Agreement : Not available at this moment Course Modality: Presencial
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