
The Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) started its activities in 1978, with one of UFRN’s first master's degree programs, and started to offer a doctoral program from 2006 onwards. Throughout its more than 40 years of existence, it has provided its students with the education needed to work in the most diverse institutions and companies in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and Brazil - there are more than 450 master's degree theses and 50 doctoral degree dissertations defended (available at the link: Teaching → Dissertations/Theses of the PPGA’s website).

The researchers and students of the program count on great infrastructure for research, with the collection of UFRN libraries, large and new rooms for the research groups, with access to the articles available at the electronic journal platform “Periódicos”, auditoriums, living space, etc. Also, there is a reasonable number of research grants for master's and doctoral students who wish to dedicate exclusively to the program, allocated according to criteria defined in a program’s resolution (available on the link Documents of the PPGA’s website). Our master's degree and doctoral degree selection procedure is 100% online, conducted within Sigaa, the UFRN’s electronic system, and based on the Anpad test and on a pre-project, the latter blindly reviewed by a committee of professors from each line of research (Calls at the link Selective Processes of the PPGA’s website).

The PPGA-UFRN is a program known for its social presence and projects with this purpose, such as Minter with UFPA [Federal University of Pará], from Pará, completed in 2010, and, in progress, beginning in 2016, a Dinter [Inter-institutional Doctoral Degree Program] with the UPE [University of Pernambuco] and the UFRPE [Rural Federal University of Pernambuco], universities from Pernambuco and, currently, a cooperation/agreement project with the Graduate Program in Administration of the Federal University of Viçosa (PPG-ADM/UFV) and with the Graduate Program in Sustainable Regional Development of the Federal University of Cariri (PRODER/UFCA).

With a view to regaining the Grade 5, the PPGA [Graduate Program in Administration] conducted a change in its pedagogical project, between the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, simplifying its curriculum and providing its students with a more extensive list of electives. After the hiring of new faculty and restructuring of the lines of research, the program currently has a field of focus - Organizational Management - and three (3) lines of research: Organizations, Strategy and Information Technology; Quantitative Methods, Policy and Finance Assessment; Social Management and Public Policy. Next is a detailing of each Line of Research and its professors.

Line of Research: Organizations, Strategy and Information Technology

Keywords: Strategy and decision theory: business management, business performance, strategic management, decision making, competitive intelligence, production management, decision support systems; adoption of innovations in emerging information technologies in private, public and social organizations; consumer behavior, digital marketing and marketing-logistics interface; commitment and organizational behavior; project management and project governance.

Professors: Anatália Saraiva Ramos, Afrânio Galdino de Araújo, Miguel Moreno Añez, Carlos Alberto Medeiros, Maria Valéria Araújo.


Line of Research: Quantitative Methods, Policy and Finance Assessment

Keywords: Assessment of public policies and social programs based on quantitative methods applied to several fields such as: health, education, basic sanitation, energy, natural gas, public transportation, telecommunications, entrepreneurship, operations and logistics management, external control; regulation and accounting and financial analysis of public utility services; finance in general, volatility models, risks and derivatives, asset pricing, portfolio management, behavioral finance, financial innovation, analysis of governance and of the activities of the board of directors, asset structure and value.

Professors: Anderson Mól, Alexandro Barbosa, Vinicio Almeida, Israel Felipe, Luciano Sampaio, Raquel Sampaio, Anne Carvalho.


Line of Research: Social Management and Public Policies

Keywords: Social management, management of economic-solidarity enterprises; public policies focused on the solidarity economy; public policy and public management.

Professors: Hironobu Sano, Washington Sousa, Janaynna Ferraz.


Currently, the PPGA's CAPES concept is 5 and the program strategically seeks to maintain it in the next evaluation. The professors and students of the PPGA work in several research groups - registered in the CNPq’s directory and in UFRN’s research groups database and described in the link Other Options → Research Groups on the PPGA’s website - in which they develop research projects whose results are disseminated in national and international journals. It is worth mentioning articles accepted or published in the following journals: Revista de Administração Pública (RAP), Revista de Administração Contemporânea (RAC), Brazilian Business Review (BBR), Organizações & Sociedade, Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE), Cadernos EBAPE.BR, Revista de Contabilidade e Organizações, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Pesquisa Operacional, Computers in Human Behavior, Expert Systems with Applications, Utilities Policy, Education Policy Analysis Archives (epaa), Plos One, Journal of Operational Research Society, Production Planning & Control, Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM), among others.

With a view to expanding internationalization, the program participates in the recently approved Capes’s Institutional Internationalization Program (Print), coordinated by UFRN’s Vice-Presidency for Graduate Studies (PPG), with the main purposes of consolidating a research network with foreign institutions that allow our students to conduct a part of their studies abroad, in addition to the increase of publications in international journals.


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração
Edificio do Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
Campus Universitário – Bairro Lagoa Nova – Caixa Postal 1620
CEP: 59072-970 – NATAL/RN – BRASIL


Contact details

* Fax: +55 84 3215-3536
* Phone: +55 84 3215-3536
* Email:  /


Business Hours:

From Monday to Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 01:30 p.m. to 05:30 p.m.


Marcel Lima (secretary)

Thiago Melo

Gilberto Melo

Delza Barrionuevo


Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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