Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 31/08/2017
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: NEPSA I- Sala multimeios 1

Women´s health in times of (new) conservatism: The debate on abortion in the federal chamber 


Women's Health; Abortion; Proposals of the Chamber of Deputies.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

The ever controversial debate on the legalization of abortion in Brazil finds in the Chamber of Deputies important challenges for its advancement and its implementation as women's right to health. Based on this premise, we questioned how the House's proposals on abortion interfere in the PNAISM. In order to answer this question, the present study had the objective of analyzing the propositions referring to the issue of abortion, presented in the Chamber of Deputies from January 2005 to December 2016. For this purpose, a mixed-focus documentary research (Quanti-qualitative), where the abortion-related bills submitted between 2005 and 2016 - years after the creation and implementation of the PNAISM were analyzed. The research was guided by the dialectical-critical method and was based on the categories of totality, contradiction, mediation and historicity. The contextualization of the issue goes through the elucidation of the phenomenon of abortion, situating it historically and how it articulates the feminist struggle for women's autonomy and against the patriarchal culture, claiming its decriminalization. From there, abortion is problematized as an element of women's health care in Brazil, from the initial actions to the present day with the PNAISM. The debate is mediated by the transformations of the Brazilian State from the Federal Constitution of 1988, with an increase in social rights and counterreformation in the 1990s, negatively impacting the effectiveness of health policy and women's health actions. Another necessary mediation is the relationship with conservatism, its fundamental elements and how it is expressed today. The results of this study point to limits and possibilities for guaranteeing safe abortion as a right to be enforced by the PNAISM. On the one hand, they point to an intensification of propositions with conservative bias, maintaining or deepening their criminal character. On the other hand, they indicate the presence of proposals that seek to expand and / or qualify the attention to women in abortion by the health services, and also to advance in the debate on decriminalization. This work intends to contribute to the understanding of the political-institutional scenario where the laws that directly affect health policy are managed, as well as to emphasize the relevance given to the health of women by the Legislative.

Presidente - 1958916 - EDLA HOFFMANN
Interno - 1149382 - IRIS MARIA DE OLIVEIRA
Externo ao Programa - 2297598 - MIRIAM DE OLIVEIRA INACIO
Externo à Instituição - TELMA GURGEL DA SILVA - UERN
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/08/2017 10:11
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