Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 18/11/2020
TIME: 14:00

THE MYTH OF THE CAVE TODAY: Life history of ostomized people living on the street treated by the adult rehabilitation center in a municipality in northeastern Brazil


Keywords: Street People; Transition; Experience; Ostomy; Memory; Oral History; Qualitative research

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva
SUBÁREA: Saúde Pública

Several factors can contribute to the fact that people seek the street as a “housing option”, among these factors the social determinants stand out, organized from the capitalist logic of having at the expense of being. In this context, the researched segment is configured as ostomized people living on the streets who hypothetically face two imprisonments, either because of the biopsychosocial impact that the stoma causes on these users, or because of the cognitive darkness of the intuitive “need” to live on the streets due to the imposed social condition. This is an exploratory, descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, which aims to analyze narratives of people living on the streets with ostomy treated at the Adult Rehabilitation Center-CRA of a state in northeastern Brazil, in order to propose improvements in the care provided with a view to comprehensive care, overcoming stigma and prejudice. The data were collected in two moments: documentary research carried out on the CRA's service records, in September to December 2019; and interviews guided by the thematic oral history approach, carried out with people on the street assisted by CRA, between January and May 2020. The interviews were inserted in the Atlas.ti 7 software for organization and treatment of the data, which were analyzed using if thematic content analysis. The research received approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte on 10/04/2019 nº CAAE: 19348419.9.0000.5537. According to the survey, the categories generated were: “Being homeless: prejudice, stigma; performs informal work; subsistence difficulty; existence of affective bonds, companionship; insecurity; "Using the scholarship: difficulty in relating"; "Using the scholarship: there is no place to perform hygiene". From the analysis of the data from the interviews, 34 subcategories emerged in total. The results showed that the group of participants has mostly less than 40 years (60.00%); male (100.00%); brown (60.00%); complete elementary school (40.00%). Regarding the state of birth, most were born in Rio Grande do Norte (40%), the others interviewed in the states of Paraíba, Pernambuco and São Paulo As for time spent on the streets, most of them are from 5 to 10 years old living on the streets (40.00%). whether formal or informal. There was unanimity in the reports that the fact of being on the street carrying a colostomy bag is doubly limiting, either due to the lack of information from where to seek specialized services, or stigma and prejudice, due to their condition to be living on the streets given the characteristic aspects inherent to carrying a colostomy bag with unpleasant odor excretions. In view of the results, the product of this work is the proposal for the implementation of an electronic data instrument that enables the monitoring and matriculation of cases, aiming at the integral assistance of the subjects, with network articulation and systematic monitoring, thus ensuring the access of the population in a situation from the street to the health care network with equity and social justice.



Presidente - 9350807 - ELIANE SANTOS CAVALCANTE
Interna - 2566534 - JACILEIDE GUIMARAES
Externo à Instituição - PEDRO FREDEMIR PALHA - EERP/USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/11/2020 11:17
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