Seminário: “Future Tense and Economic Decisions”.


No dia 14 de novembro das 13h às 16h será realizado o seminário internacional pelo professor Ph.D Giorgio Gotti, da University of Texas at El Paso, que abordará o tema “Future Tense and Economic Decisions” .



Giorgio is the Chair of the Accounting and Information Systems Department at the College of Business Administration, University of Texas at El Paso. He is Past President of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. His papers have been published in the International Journal of Accounting, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Journal of International Accounting Research, Management International Review, Journal of Business Ethics, among others.


Dia: 14/11/2018
Local: Auditório 1, do NEPSA II.
Hora: 13:00

Notícia cadastrada em: 07/11/2018 09:18
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