Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/04/2019
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Departamento de Nutrição

Healthy life expectancy according to lifestyle factors in the Brazilian population, 2013: an application of the Sullivan method


Keywords: Healthy Life Expectancy, Lifestyle, chronic noncommunicable diseases, Risk Factors.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Saúde Coletiva
SUBÁREA: Epidemiologia

It is essential to know the health situation and the quality of the years lived by the elderly, since there has been a substantial increase in life expectancy in Brazil in the last decades. In this scenario, chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD) point out as main causes of limitations, disabilities and morbidity and mortality. Measuring the occurrence and magnitude of modifiable lifestyle-related risk factors for CNCD is an indispensable premise to address this emerging demand through effective public policies. The objectives of this study were: (1) to identify multidimensional profiles of risk factors related to lifestyle, describing the prevalence of the profiles and associated sociodemographic characteristics and self-perception of health; (2) estimate healthy life expectancy, defined from factors related to healthy lifestyle; (3) to analyze the estimates of healthy life expectancy per Unit of the Federation, considering the socioeconomic differentials and existing health conditions. A cross-sectional population-based study was conducted on 45,881 individuals over 30 years old, participating in the National Health Survey (NHS) 2013. The identification of the lifestyle profiles was done by the Grade of Membership (GoM) method, with the inclusion of 12 variables. The analysis of characteristics associated with these profiles was performed using the Pearson Chi-square test and unconditional logistic regression. The prevalence of healthy profile and the life table of the population for the year 2013 were considered to calculate healthy life expectancy using the Sullivan method. In the first stage of the study two lifestyle profiles were identified: a profile called "healthy profile" (61.6%), characterized by adequate intake of fruits and vegetables, fish, and non-regular consumption of soda, meat with fat and beans, people who were overweight and who performed recommended leisure activity. And another profile entitled "risk profile" (38.4%), characterized by the non-consumption of healthy markers, except for the consumption of beans, consumption of all unhealthy markers of diet, substitution of meals for snacks, alcohol consumption, tobacco use and not being physically active in leisure. The healthy profile was associated with female, elderly, white people, residents in the North and Northeast of Brazil, widowed and married, people with higher education and better health self-assessment. On the other hand, the risk profile was associated with males, young adults, residents of the Center-West and South of Brazil, unmarried, with lower education and worse health self-assessment. The estimated time to be lived by Brazilians with factors related to healthy lifestyle, denominated in this study as healthy life expectancy, at age 30 was 29.5 years for both sexes, 33.5 years for women and 25.5 years for men. The female sex presented a higher healthy life expectancy at all ages, but with a tendency to reduce the disparities between the sexes as the age increased. The difference between the sexes observed in the healthy life expectancy was superior to the already well-studied differentials of the mortality between the sexes. The findings of the present study contribute to the discussion about the gender paradox of morbidity and mortality among men and women. Brazilian men live less time with a healthy lifestyle, which may contribute to high rates of premature mortality.

Presidente - 2149611 - CLELIA DE OLIVEIRA LYRA
Interno - 277398 - KENIO COSTA DE LIMA
Externo à Instituição - RAFAEL MOREIRA CLARO - UFMG
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/04/2019 11:37
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