Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 17/08/2016
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala de Reuniões, Centro de Biociências



ONSHORE Oilfield, Sustainability Indicators, AHP, PCA.

ÁREA: Ciências Ambientais

The tessitura of the contemporary discussion about the sustainability of the oil industry becomes increasingly evident while at environmental aspects of this activity presents, mainly in oil fields situated on land, a potential significant for the generation of environmental impacts. Therefore is questioned how to perform methodologically the selection, adaptation, validation and prioritization of sustainability indicators for the systematization of Sustainability Index in oil field on land (ISPETRO). The first hypothesis is that, the selection of indicators of mark authorizing of research based exclusively on environmental characterization and the perception of the communities of the oil fields would be enough for the proposal of sustainability indicators for the composition of the sustainability index of oil fields on land. The second hypothesis is that the selection of indicators of mark originator of research based exclusively based on technical and scientific positioning of a set of specialists in oil activity would be enough for the proposal of sustainability indicators for the composition of the sustainability index of oil fields on land. However, was found to the necessity of a third hypothesis, which was confirmed, that is, as more participative, community and specialists, is the selection of sustainability indicators that composes the mark originator of research, better will be the adaptation, prioritization and validation of the index to be proposed. For this purpose, the general objective of the thesis was to propose a selection methodology, adaptation, validation, prioritization and systematization of sustainability indicators in oil fields on land (ISPETRO). Thus, the following specific objectives were defined, analyze the perception of social actors directly affected by oil activity as a tool for participative selection of sustainability indicators; analyze the scientific positioning of a network of specialists, through the adoption the Delphi method as a tool for selecting sustainability indicators; propose a participatory methodology of selection of sustainability indicators guided in the relation of perception of integrated social actors at scientific opinion from a network of specialists; propose the validation, prioritization and systematization of a set of indicators to evaluate the sustainability of oil fields on land. The methodology it was structured into four parts, for the first hypothesis we used the methodology applied to the communities where it was considered the exploratory and descriptive category as the types of most suitable research. Were conducted standardized or structured interviews in order to aggregate the perception of residents of different oil fields. Initially, it was used for environmental perception survey the interview structured by the fact contribute to the collection of detailed data, which could allow a better adaptation of indicators to be proposed. For data analysis, was performed the correspondence analysis that consists of a multivariate statistical technique which provides tools to analyze the association between rows and columns of a contingency table. The quantitative data analysis proceeded with multivariate statistical technique of correspondence (AC) through the construction of contingency tables with determined variables described, as well as was used the multinomial proportions test for the categorization of the influence of the groups analyzed over each indicator. In this test, are evaluated proportions pairwise in the two levels of data contingency table between the multinomial. To evaluate the qualitative data was performed with the aid of Content Analysis, using the "analytical description which operates according to systematic and objective procedures of message content". For the analysis of the second hypothesis, sought to selection of the most appropriate indicators for evaluating the sustainability of oil fields according the analysis of the scientific positioning of a network of specialists who were consulted, via e-mail, allowing the selection of some indicators by adopting the Delphi method and made it possible to surveying the characteristics that were considered relevant by the community but neglected by specialists. Thus, it was necessary the proposal of a consistent methodology scientifically and to allow the crossing of the perception of the communities with scientific positioning of specialists, were thus established and systematized the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of indicators. After the adaptation of the indicators based on the participation of specialists and population, proceeded to the principal component analysis (PCA) which is one of the most used statistical analyzes to describe patterns of variation of the data in a multivariate set. Were performed two distinct stages for the selection of relevant variables for the construction of sustainability indexes of the oil fields and Gas of Rio Grande do Norte: (1) an initial PCA was performed for inspection of data weighting of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and to indicate qualitative and quantitatively which sustainability indicators suitable for their respective dimensions and, (2) a posteriori, PCAs for each dimension, separately, to select the most relevant indicators. Were selected 23 indicators that were analyzed according to the discrepancy informed by specialists about the dimensions of sustainability and were reordered at indicators of economic dimension E1, E2, E12, E13, E17 and S15; indicators of social dimension S4, S5, S14, S17 and S19; indicators of environmental dimension E3, A1, A7, A8, A10, A19 and A28; indicators of institutional dimension E19, E20, S20 and A29. It was concluded that sustainability can be measured by a set of indicators defined as priorities able to indicate the status of sustainability of oil fields on land, can be implemented the complementary indicators to the purpose of refinement of evaluation. Are pointed out as the state of sustainability most favorable the oil fields with smaller interface with communities and who did not have a Permanent Protection Areas near their installations. 

Externo ao Programa - 350836 - IONE RODRIGUES DINIZ MORAIS
Externo à Instituição - LECI MARTINS MENEZES REIS - IFRN
Presidente - 350231 - MAGDI AHMED IBRAHIM ALOUFA
Interno - 1674709 - VIVIANE SOUZA DO AMARAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/08/2016 15:54
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