Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 27/12/2018
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala Darwin

influence of type of milking and the temperament of the cattle Gir breed and buffaloes Murrah breed on production and milk composition.


Cattle, buffalo, milk, milking, behavior, production.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

The studies  related to animal  behavior have increased in recent years, and are important because they allow better understanding of the causes that guide the actions of the animals  and allow for better planning in the implementation of more eficiente production systems.  Adding  to  this,  the  animal  welfare  has  received  increasing attention in the technical, scientific and academic means. The main reasons that lead people to be concerned with the farm animals welfare are concerns of ethnic origin, the potential effect it may have on productivity and quality of food and the links between animal welfare and international trade its products of animal origin. The study of the welfare is shown as complex and includes different aspects related to health and animal behavior and interactions that occur  between  these  aspects.  The  dairy  farming  is  a sector of animal production in which the human-animal interaction is of fundamental importance because of contact that establishes daily in carrying out routine activities. Among the factors that affect the behavior of cattle and buffaloes, stand out food, the weather and the adopted production  system. For lactating animals, the number of milkings,  production and time of milkings  are key conditions in their behavior patterns. Currently, the dairy Gir is the second breed in official milk control in Brazil, the first Brazilian zebu and dairy breed in the world. The Gir has established itself as breed adapted to the conditions of tropical Brazil, with good productive results. The Gir, as well as other Zebu breeds, tolerate higher ambient temperatures and can be managed  in  regions  with  these  temperatures  without  severe  impairment of milk production. Regarding the buffalo, one of the main points stand out these animals is the fact that the cost of production in general is not far from both the cost of cattle, as well as great adaptability to almost any kind of weather. In Brazil four breeds  are recognized, and the Murrah used in this research. The Murrah buffalos can be created in various weather conditions, often presenting as an option for the areas of use of the  property  to  which  the  cattle  do  not  fit.  The  buffalo  milk  has  a  different composition compared to cow's milk, and provides an output of oil products with high  commercial  value.  In  this  work,  the  Gir  cattle  and  Murrah  buffaloes  were exposed  to  two  different  types  of  milking,  manual  milking  and  subsequently mechanical tandem milking for Gir  and mechanical "espinha de peixe" milking and then milking carousel for Murrah buffalo.  The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  describe  the behavioral expression during routine milking in dairy cows of Gir and dairy buffaloes of  Murrah  and  identify  possible  changes  in  the  productive  and  nutritional characteristics of milk. The change in the milking routine and change the type of used milking can bring behavioral changes with influence on productivity. However, the two  races  presented  behaviorally  extreme  docility  that  was  reflected  in  an  easy adaptation  to  the  new  proposed  milking  system,  without  compromising  the productive aspects.

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Externo à Instituição - EBSON PEREIRA CANDIDO - UFRA
Presidente - 1350337 - FIVIA DE ARAUJO LOPES
Externo ao Programa - 014.290.984-06 - VICTOR KENJI MEDEIROS SHIRAMIZU - UFRN
Externo ao Programa - 2611941 - VIVIANE DA SILVA MEDEIROS
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/12/2018 17:01
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