Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 16/07/2019
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório do LGGP I

Stratigraphic, Structural and Seismic Attributes Analysis of the 3D survey from Brejo das Freiras Sub-basin (Rio do Peixe Basin, NE from Brazil)


Rio do Peixe Basin; Rift; Seismic Attributes; Tectonic System Tracts

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
ÁREA: Geociências

The Rio do Peixe Basin corresponds to an intracontinental rift installed in the Borborema Province during the Lower Cretaceous, belonging to the Interior Rifts System of the Northeast of Brazil. The Brejo das Freiras half-graben is one of the main depocentres of the basin and presents a tectonostratigraphic evolution, developed under a NW-SE distension regime, controlled by the fragile reactivation of pre-Cambrian structures. The sgBF exhibits an approximately elliptical planar geometry whose major axis is oriented in the NE-SW direction, and is limited to SE by the Brejo das Freiras Fault, which shows normal displacement, NE-SW general direction and NW dip (variations for WNW and NNW). At its southern segment, the Brejo das Freiras Fault presents oblique-slip (normal + directional sinistral), working as an oblique ramp. The interpretation of 3D seismic data from the SE portion of this half-graben, which was preceded by a data treatment step using filtering techniques and seismic attributes analysis, allowed a more detailed characterization of the structural and stratigraphic framework of the region. Seismic interpretation aims to characterize in subsurface the fragile structures related to the implantation of the basin, as well as its importance in the deformation of the sedimentary section. The geometry, the steps arrangement of Brejo das Freiras Fault and the effect of propagation and drag on the layers are responsible for the development of folds in the hangingwall, essentially originated by bending mechanism. The seismic stratigraphic interpretation was based on the analysis of reflector terminations, seismic facies patterns and their external geometry, allowing the recognition of important chronostratigraphic surfaces, interpreting depositional processes and systems, and defining tectonic systems tracts. The understanding of progradation and retrogradation episodes of systems from the flexural margin and border fault contributes to the understanding of the tectonic activity of the basin, since in the rifts, tectonics is the main controlling factor of the rates of creation of accommodation space and of sedimentary supply. The wedge geometry of the sgBF is evident in the section analyzed and the thickening of the strata against border fault reveals the syntectonic deposition.

Externo ao Programa - 2490483 - ALEX FRANCISCO ANTUNES
Externa ao Programa - 1884342 - DEBORA DO CARMO SOUSA
Presidente - 1149363 - VALERIA CENTURION CORDOBA
Notícia cadastrada em: 02/07/2019 13:43
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