Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/03/2019
HORA: 16:30
LOCAL: Auditório do Dep. de Geografia



History of Cartography. Phytogeography. Territory Management. Rio Grande do Norte

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia

The terrestrial vegetal cover has long aroused interest of the man, who in the course of time has turned to it in different ways, when seeking the knowledge of its biological, ecological and geographical characteristics, as well as the discovery of the potentialities of its exploration. In the midst of this constellation of interests, Cartography stood out as an important strategy for reading, interpreting and representing vegetation, given its function of providing the visualization of reality at scales accessible to the human field of vision, helping to identify the distribution of groups to explain them in conjunction with the other environmental elements and to think of them in the midst of the challenge of equating the antagonistic needs of the use of vegetation as a resource and of its preservation. In this sense, the cartographic products of the vegetation of Rio Grande do Norte elaborated by the Inspection of Works Against the Droughts (IOCS) and Superintendency of Development of the Northeast (SUDENE) under this idea, at the time, promoted a full understanding of the represented areas, materializing the spatial knowledge that existed until then, which allowed to act on the territory. Today, on the other hand, these records are important documentary sources that allow us to explore problems of human action at the time of its elaboration and use. Knowing that the maps carry a dimension that goes beyond the mere record of reality and that the investigation of its content and related documents reveals the contextual load inherent to them, it is believed that the historical cartographic set constituted an important tool in the transformation of the territory to establish certain uses by the planned action. In combination with spatial data more than on the distribution of vegetation, such records lead to the understanding of the potiguar phytogeographic constitution, thus providing subsidies to the management of the territory. As a result of this assertion, the work is based on the search to reach the general objective of analyzing the historical cartography elaborated by the official institutions of the XX century, discussing its influences in the territory. To that end, it was established as a multirreferential methodological base that involves the precepts History of Cartography, in the analysis of the context of maps, Phytogeography, while thought in communion with society, and Geospatial Analysis, in turn applied to the study of phenomena related to distribution of the vegetation. In addition, as focus of the analysis and discussion of the results were established the concepts of territory, region and landscape, and the categories selectivity, technification, diversity and time.

Interno - 1149364 - LUIZ ANTONIO CESTARO
Presidente - 1530760 - RAIMUNDO NONATO JUNIOR
Externo à Instituição - RODOLFO FINATTI
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/03/2019 11:55
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