Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/03/2018
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Auditório do Departamento de Geografia



Jenipabu's environmental protection area. Use and occupation of soil.Changing in the landscape.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia

The coastal regions are space quite dynamics and complex whose morphogenesis is conditioned by both global and coastal dynamic. Their physical and genetic peculiarities present high natural fragility, accentuated by degree of anthropogenic interference and conditioned by environmental resilience. The construction of urban infrastructure overlapping dune fields and associated ecosystems destabilizes the equilibrium between flux of matter and energy and leads to the conformation of problems sociospatial and the degradation of coastal areas. It is in this context that the Jenipabu's Environmental Protection Area, situated in Rio Grande do Norte - which belongs to the group of unity of conservation of sustainable use -, allows the direct use of its resources and potentialities, increasing the probability of degradation of its ecosystems, in accordance with the use and the ways of land occupation. Characterized by the diversity of its physical-natural aspects, highlighting ecosystems of beaches, dunes, mangroves and tabuleiros. It has its economy based in the fishing, subsistence farming, agribusiness and tourism, the latter being of great expressiveness local and responsible by significant alterations in the dynamic and landscape acceptance. Therefore, this research searched apprehend the landscape changes from human occupation in one unity of conservation, presenting as general aim to analyse the consequences of the process of de soil occupation in the Jenipabu's Environmental Protection Area. We have established our research in bibliographical and field researches, cartographical productions, application of the method of classification by visual interpretation and in the geosystemic analysis of the landscape units and of the local dynamicity. It is verified in the Jenipabu's Environmental Protection Area one incisive pressure and investments in the touristic and real estate sector, through the increase of the phenomenon of second home. However, the expansion of the urban space in coastal regions contribute to the onset of forceful changes in its geomorphology and dynamic of its processes, represented by redistribution of the dunes fields and deflation plains and the spatial decreasing of marine beaches and tabuleiros. Such changes, provided both in consonance with the proper natural dynamic of each geomorphological unity and consequence of the local anthropic actions. We can list also, the propagation of relevant impacts to the local ecosystems and the acceptance of different conflicts socio-spatial. The biggest challenge of the managers of the Jenipabu's Environmental Protection Area and the society as a whole is to search the conciliation between the use and occupation of the soil and the conservation of the dune ecosystems, restingas, beaches, lagoons, tabuleiros, mangroves, woods and further local natural resources. Therefore, it is emphasized the peculiar dynamics of the area under studying in detriment on local social practices that corroborate in relevant changes in the landscape and the misrepresentation of the coastal system. It is highlighted the importance performed by one participatory administration preoccupied with the conservation of its resources and the conflict mediation.

Interno - 2321176 - JULIANA FELIPE FARIAS
Externo à Instituição - LIDRIANA DE SOUZA PINHEIRO - UFC
Presidente - 2177287 - ZULEIDE MARIA CARVALHO LIMA
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/03/2018 10:02
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