Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 29/11/2019
TIME: 15:00
LOCAL: Sala Multimeios



Lexicography. Multimodality. Entries. Images. Action research.

PAGES: 130
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística
SUBÁREA: Linguística Aplicada

We live in the called information society, in which texts are surrounded by multiple languages. The visual aspect is highlighted, the images figures not only as accessories, but also as knowledge sources, allowing a more effective comprehension of what is exposed. Based on this scenario, this dissertation addressed the multimodality in the school dictionaries type 3, directed to the last years of the elementary School. The research intended to answer the following questioning: how the images present in the dictionaries can contribute to potentialize the understanding of entries definitions, when presented to youth? This way, the following general aim was to understand the importance of image to the meaning construction in school dictionaries entries. Therefore, were used as theoretical and conceptual subsidies the contribution of authors like: Krieger (2012), Pontes (2009; 2010), Santiago (2012) and Carvalho (2011), in the studies focused on the Lexigraphy and the Lexicon; Dionísio (2014), Kleiman (2013) and Vieira (2015) in the questions relative to the multimodality. In relation to the methodological aspects, the investigation is configured as action research (THIOLLENT, 2005) and aimed at first apply a didactic sequence (DOLZ; NOVERRAZ; SCHNEUWLY, 2004) for the reading and analysis of the words definitions on the dictionaries selected to the study, with emphasis to the imagetic aspects of the illustrations of the words. This way, the developed activities made possible to the students a reflection about how the images contribute significantly to the comprehension of the exposed definitions. The results demonstrated that the union between written text and image contribute significantly to the understanding of the meaning of entries. Therefore, is evidenced the importance of using the dictionaries at classroom steadily and continuously, once they are indispensable tools for the teaching-learning process of Portuguese Language, especially, reading and writing.

Presidente - 2275923 - MARCIO SALES SANTIAGO
Interna - 1674285 - ANA MARIA DE OLIVEIRA PAZ
Externo à Instituição - ANTONIO LUCIANO PONTES - UERN
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/11/2019 16:46
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