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DATE: 27/02/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: plataforma digital

THE PRESENCE OF GRAMSCI'S THINKING IN SOCIAL WORK IN THE NORTHEAST: A impulse to the region's protagonism in the Movement for the Reconceptualization of the profession in Brazil.


Social Work. Antonio Gramsci. North East. Reconceptualization Movement.

PAGES: 120
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

The research that is embodied in the pages of this dissertation aims to analyze the incorporation of Antonio Gramsci's thought in the Northeastern Social Service, seeking to understand its influence on the participation of this region in the reconceptualization movement of the profession in Brazil. Thus, the choice for this object of study can be explained from three distinct but related directions. First, by the comprehension of the importance of Gramsci for the process of assimilation of the critical social theory within the Brazilian Social Service. On the other hand, by the empirical identification as to the significant quantity of Gramscian intellectuals of Social Service in the Northeast. And, finally, our choice is related to the recent tendency to study the profession in this regional particularity. In order to reach the general objective, we will analyze the dialogue between the Brazilian Social Service and Gramscian thought; we will analyze Social Service in the Northeastern region; we will attempt to understand the process of renovation of Social Service in the Northeast; and we will analyze the role of Social Service in the Northeastern region, especially in Maranhão, in the process of renovation of the profession in Brazil. Thus, the study was guided by the critical-dialectical investigative method of social theory and was carried out through bibliographic and documental research techniques. The theoretical basis of this study was based on the works of Antonio Gramsci, especially the Prison Notebooks, volumes one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4), in which the debates on Hegemony, Intellectuals and State are anchored; the production of Carlos Nelson Coutinho: O leitor de Gramsci: Selected Writings; the work of Ivete Simionatto Gramsci: his theory, incidence in Brazil, influence on Social Service; the book Social Service in the Northeast: from origins to renewal, organized by Ana Elizabete Mota, Ana Cristina Vieira and Angela Amaral; and the ebook organized by Adilson Aquino Silveira Júnior, The historical reconstruction of Social Service in the Northeast. From this perspective, the results of the research indicate that Northeastern Social Service has been influential at a national level since the late 1950s, based on the Popular Education proposal of Paulo Freire, who at the time was a professor at ESSPE. Added to this, in the process of building the intention to break with traditionalism and, consequently, in the movement of renovation of the profession, between the 1970s and 1980s, one can verify, as a symbol of the Northeastern region, a greater projection and significant participation of Maranhão's Social Service, through the actions of the CSS/UFMA teachers. During this period, the "Maranhão group" meets the Gramscian thought, incorporating it to their theoretical-practical proposals and, as a result, deepening the knowledge about the critical-dialectical tendency. As a result, the UFMA teachers gain prominent positions in the rupture movement and undertake fundamental debates for the renewal and the reaching of maturity of the profession. In this sense, we can conclude that the dialogue with Gramsci encouraged and qualified the participation of the Northeast region, starting with UFMA, in the Reconceptualization Movement.

Interna - 1958916 - EDLA HOFFMANN
Presidente - 2363499 - ELIANA ANDRADE DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - ERLENIA SOBRAL DO VALE - UECE
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/02/2023 10:28
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