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DATA : 28/02/2018
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório do NUPEP

Analysis of the municipal disaster warning and alarm system of Natal- RN


Warning; Alarm; Risks; Disasters; Management

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia de Produção

Disasters have occurred more frequently and caused material losses of great magnitude and damage to populations from various locations around the world. This fact makes recurrent the discussion about the need to adopt measures and resources that help in the dissemination of information of occurrence of risks and disasters, in order to prevent or reduce the severity of losses and damages caused. Organizations such as the UN promote the discussion on the subject and establish guidelines and policies that can guide the development of Early Warning Systems around the world. The main Brazilian legislation on Civil Defense and Protection has some aspects of the Disaster Risk Reduction policy, however, it presents little approach on warning systems. This research has as aim main to analyze the Municipal Warning System of the Natal city and to propose improvements and / or solutions by means of survey of the information of the formal system and guiding directives and policies. To understand the dynamics of the functioning of the municipal disaster warning system, conversation scripts were applied to the individuals from institutions and bodies, direct and indirect, of the chain of emission of the disaster alert: the municipal and state organs of Protection and Defense Civil, Fire Department, Integrated Center for Public Security Operations (CIOSP) and Situation Room. Also were analyzed videos produced by the students of the Extension and Research Group in Ergonomics-GREPE, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which contained records of a series of meetings attended by members of the district of Mãe Luíza, Natal-RN, Brazil , affected by the disaster that occurred in this community in June 2014, when it was hit by heavy rains that caused landslides, knocked down and damaged several homes and disarmed and displaced several families. These videos were recorded after the disaster in 2014, and their analyzes were intended to verify the functioning of the warning system at the time of the disaster and the participation and performance of the community and the municipal Civil Protection and Defense Agency. The city of Natal has several areas at risk of disasters and the community of Mãe Luiza is one of the areas of risk of disasters disquieting due to its socio-environmental vulnerability. Today, the community is susceptible to other events of this nature, as well as other communities in the city of Natal. The neighborhood of Mãe Luíza reports’ showed that the warning system in 2014 reached few people and that ignorance of the severity of the risks they were exposed was decisive for not to evacuate when alerted. It was also verified that the municipal agents of Protection and Civil Defense did not have, at the time, resources for the mass alert issuance. The alert was spread "face to face", the agents went from house to house alerting the people the day before the crater rupture in Guanabara street, one of the main neighborhood. The alarm was also issued in the same way, when the disaster was triggered. The warning system has a decentralized and poorly collaborative working dynamics, since the entire chain is composed of institutions and bodies with little proximity. The Protection and Civil Defense municipal agents reports' showed that the alert is still made "face to face" and that the population is not fully aware of the risks of disasters to which it is exposed. It should be noted that the current disaster warning system does not meet international recommendations, standards and guidelines. It is recommended, for a more efficient warning system, the approximation of the organs that integrate the chain of the warning system, investments in technology for the issuance of the alert, education projects in disaster risk reduction with communities, training of the agents Protection and Civil Defense and especially the preparation of the Municipal Contingency Plan Natal city.

Externo à Instituição - ALESSANDRO JATOBÁ - Fiocruz - RJ
Externo ao Programa - 1217091 - PITAGORAS JOSE BINDE
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/01/2018 10:59
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