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DATE: 13/08/2021
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Google Meet

Understanding the Relationship between Integração Contínua e Test Coverage: An Empirical Study

Investigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory StudyInvestigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory StudyInvestigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory StudyInvestigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory StudyInvestigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory StudyInvestigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory StudyInvestigating the Use of Static Analysis in the Context of Smart Cities Applications: An Exploratory Study 


smart cities, static analysis, empirical studies


smart cities, static analysis, empirical studies

smart cities, static analysis, empirical studies


BIG AREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
AREA: Ciência da Computação
SUBÁREA: Metodologia e Técnicas da Computação
SPECIALTY: Engenharia de Software

The evolution of software development methodologies has enabled an increase in the delivery of new features and improvements. One of the best practices for increasing the delivery speed is continuous integration (CI). CI is a practice that motivates automating and integrating source code more often during software development. The adoption of CI helps developers to find integration issues faster. It is believed that the practice of CI helps the software to have fewer bugs throughout its lifecycle. One of the ways to find bugs is by performing software tests, and one of the most used metrics to ensure quality in software testing is test coverage. Therefore, it is believed that CI adoption and test coverage have a strong relationship. Previous studies have provided preliminary evidence for this relationship between CI and tests, however, most of them do not demonstrate it empirically. This dissertation proposes an empirical study that aims to identify the relationship between CI adoption and test coverage through the analysis of several open-source projects. We quantify coverage trend comparisons over time between projects that adopt (or do not ) CI. Our results suggest that CI projects have high test coverage rates and stability, while NOCI projects have low coverage rates and less potential for growth.

Keywords: continuous integration, test coverage, empirical study


The evolution of software and hardware systems has enabled the application of such technologies

to assist in solving day-to-day problems in the context of big cities. Over the last

years, there is an increasing interest companies, researchers and government in the development

of large-scale systems and applications for the domain of smart cities. Large-scale

software systems often present critical challenges for their development, maintenance and

evolution. Smart city applications typically involve dealing with many challenges, such

as scalability, security, communication and heterogeneity. One way to identify problems

in the source code of large-scale systems is through the usage of static analysis tools. In

this context, this work presents an exploratory study that aims to evaluate the usefulness

of modern static analysis tools in the context of smart city applications. The study

analyzes 3 real smart cities systems through the analysis of rule violations reported by the

SonarQube tool. In addition, the work also relates such violations to existing challenges

of the smart city domain reported by the literature. The results show that the challenges

of security, data management and maintenance of the platform are the ones that exhibit

more problems related to static analysis.

The evolution of software and hardware systems has enabled the application of such technologies

to assist in solving day-to-day problems in the context of big cities. Over the last

years, there is an increasing interest companies, researchers and government in the development

of large-scale systems and applications for the domain of smart cities. Large-scale

software systems often present critical challenges for their development, maintenance and

evolution. Smart city applications typically involve dealing with many challenges, such

as scalability, security, communication and heterogeneity. One way to identify problems

in the source code of large-scale systems is through the usage of static analysis tools. In

this context, this work presents an exploratory study that aims to evaluate the usefulness

of modern static analysis tools in the context of smart city applications. The study

analyzes 3 real smart cities systems through the analysis of rule violations reported by the

SonarQube tool. In addition, the work also relates such violations to existing challenges

of the smart city domain reported by the literature. The results show that the challenges

of security, data management and maintenance of the platform are the ones that exhibit

more problems related to static analysis.


Presidente - 1644456 - UIRA KULESZA
Externo ao Programa - 2510306 - FREDERICO ARAUJO DA SILVA LOPES
Externo à Instituição - ELDER JOSÉ REIOLI CIRILO - UFSJ
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/07/2021 16:25
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