Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 01/10/2018
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: sala 313

Discourse variation and grammaticalization: general extenders in the speech of Natal (RN)


General Extenders; variation-grammaticalization interface; linguistic restrictions; social restrictions

GRANDE ÁREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Linguística
SUBÁREA: Sociolinguística e Dialetologia

General Extenders are discourse-pragmatic expressions, traditional of speech, that show a common compositional structure. In Brazilian Portuguese, the features present as core of form, the pronouns tudo/tal or the noun coisa, with optional components as the pronoun essas, the noun muito and the preposition e. Although there are several researchers who analyze this phenomenon in other languages (Cheshire, 2007; Tagliamonte e Denis, 2010; Pichler, 2010; Pichler e Levey, 2011; Fernández, 2015; Secova, 2017), up to now, there are no studies that analyze the variation of forms in Brazilian Portuguese, to our knowledge. In this dissertation, we have as object of study the General Extenders essas coisas, essas coisas assim, muita coisa assim, tal, e tal, tudo, e tudo, tudo isso e tudinho in the speech community of Natal. Our corpus is composed of 48 sociolinguistic interviews constituents of Banco de Dados FALA-Natal (cf. TAVARES, 2016). The main objective of this research is to circumscribe the occurrence contexts of each feature, as well as, describe and analyze the factors involved in this phenomenon. With regard to the theoretical foundation, we apply the variacionist sociolinguistic – theory that argues that variation, although it is inherent in the language does not occur randomly, so it can be systematized and analyzed quantitatively – added to grammaticalization, from the point of view of american functionalism – responsible for studies of language change which aim to demonstrate how lexical items, in certain linguistic contexts, begin to perform grammatical functions or    how grammatical items develop new grammatical functions. Therefore, we follow the variation-grammaticalization interface, because the analysis of grammaticalization "allows the elaboration of more refined explanations for the synchronic patterns of distribution of discursive features whose historical origin resides in grammaticalization processes" (TAVARES, 2017, p. 188). In order, to test the hypotheses proposed in this research and make comparisons with the results obtained in studies conducted in other language, we adopt a quantitative analyzes. Regarding the analysis, we consider the following independent variants: sex, age, function performed by the form and compositional extension of the form. Initially, only the analysis of the function performed by the forms was made and the results obtained show that, with regard to the features that bring the noun coisa as the core, the most recurrent function was that of category marking, referred to as referential or original function. The second most used function was the indication of solidarity, which is a little more advanced in the process of grammaticalization, in relation to the previous function. When the variants in analyzes are those composed by the pronoun tal, the most recurrent function was the indication of solidarity, followed by the quality hedge function. Finally, the variants composed by the pronoun tudo showed that they are more used in the function of solidarity. The second most used function for this feature was the reference function of category marking.

Externo à Instituição - EDAIR GÖRSKI - UFSC
Externo ao Programa - 1525199 - ERICA REVIGLIO ILIOVITZ
Presidente - 1451510 - MARIA ALICE TAVARES
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/09/2018 09:17
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