Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 20/07/2016
HORA: 14:00

  The construtction of Natal City Hall institutional ethos in advertisements


Institutional Advertisements. Discourse analysis. Enunciative scenes. Institutional ethos.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Lingüística Aplicada

In this study, we propose to investigate how the Natal City Hall  builds and designs his image, ie the ethos of institutional advertisements. Our corpus consists of seven commercials aired on TV in 2012, the end of Sousa Micarla management, with the slogan "If you look, you will see." It is a qualitative and interpretative research and follows the guidelines of Discourse Analysis (DA), whereas, therefore, the commitment to Applied Linguistics. Our goal is therefore to investigate. The analysis will be carried out in two instances: first language, in which we analyze the use of the paths of personhood to describe the subjectivity and second enunciation instance of set design, in which we analyze how the advertisements style setting contribute to the construction of the ethos of Natal City. Will appeal especially to Amossy (2005), Maingueneau (1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2008, 2012) and Charaudeau (2006) for the definition of ethos and still other researchers from AD, which provide us with significant reflections for our analysis as Orlandi (1999; 2001), Pêcheux (1990) and Possenti (2005; 2009). The image of the Natal City Hall is being built as the speech will be stated in the advertisements, because the theory of discourse, as stated Maingueneau (2005), is not a subject of the theory before it sets, but a theory of instance enunciation that is at the same time and intrinsically, an utterance effect. The idea of ethos implies, therefore, assume that you do not say explicitly how or what it is, but it shows up through attitudes (physical or discursive), how and what it is. In the case of a known personality, as the mayor Micarla de Sousa, had an ethos built previously, which is called pre-discursive ethos (MAINGUENEAU, 2005). Note the construction of an Ethos and overlay existing one. Production conditions that gave rise to the corpus of our research allows us to understand that aired advertisements during this period were an attempt to override the pre-discursive image that had the City Hall. It creates an image of an institution that values collaborative work creates also an image of solidarity, support and understanding. The City seeks to deconstruct, in a way, the ethos that it is configured socially and seeks to reconfigure your image with the presentation that makes you the advertisements. The discourse of institutional advertising is aimed not only, but especially for a disguised electoral propaganda in order to convey a positive image of the institution as well as the Mayor Micarla de Sousa. Therefore, the ethos proposed in the eight advertising slogan "If you look, you will see" over the existing ethos, took advantage of the mitigation measures as a way of refutation of mismanagement pointed in the research already mentioned in this study.

Presidente - 1476540 - CELLINA RODRIGUES MUNIZ
Externo ao Programa - 3943432 - JOSENILDO SOARES BEZERRA
Externo à Instituição - JOSE GERARDO VASCONCELOS - UFC
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/07/2016 11:06
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