Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 16/06/2016
HORA: 09:00

Transitivity in Discussions of Students in English Courses at the Ágora Institute


Transitivity; Choices; Discussions; Systemic-Functional Linguistics.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Lingüística Aplicada

 This research aims to analyze, using the transitivity system proposed by systemic functional linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994; EGGINS, 1994; HALLIDAY; HASAN, 1989; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), the lexicogrammatical choices made in Discussions produced by students from a level IV class and a conversation class in English at the Ágora Institute in the second semester of 2015. Thus, the research is characterized as a Case Study with mixed methods (NUNAN, 1992; YIN, 2005; MARTINS, 2006). In regards to the data analysis, only the entries of the students who produced the two texts required were considered. Having said that, only five students from the level IV class and four students from the conversation class were able to write both texts, thus, resulting in the total amount of eighteen (18) textual productions. This data was stored using the online Dropbox tool such that each received an exclusive folder in order to facilitate its identification. In the code T2A1E2, for instance, T2 refers to the English conversation class, A1 refers to a specific student in the class, and E2 refers to the second entry written by T2A1. For the qualitative data analysis, we used the transitivity system as a tool to analyze the Discusssions. In addition, the software Wordsmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010) was used in the quantitative analysis to identify and quantify the most recurrent processes and participants in the texts. Besides this, the online Wordle service (FEINBERG, 2014) was used to create word clouds that could facilitate the visualization of the most frequently used processes and participants in the entries. Finally, the results of the research show that the most recurrent types of processes in the texts from the two classes are material processes, relational processes and mental processes. Regarding the processes, the more frequent recurrences in T1 were: is/are, like and have. The most recurrent processes in T2 were: is/are, think, do and have. With regard to the participants, the most frequent recurrences in T1 were: people, weekend, I and we. The most recurrent participants in T2 were we: waste problem, garbage, you and women. In addition, regarding the schematic structures of the entries,results showed that five of the eight entries in T2 did not belong to the Discussion genre, and that five from the eighteen entries analyzed demonstrated problems in the Problem and in the Sides stages. 

Presidente - 3654056 - JENNIFER SARAH COOPER
Interno - 1666189 - JANAINA WEISSHEIMER
Externo à Instituição - ORLANDO VIAN JUNIOR - UNIFESP
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/05/2016 15:55
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