Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/08/2016
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala azul do Laboratório de Psicologia

An analysis of the ways of Brazilian youth emancipating


youth, public policies, youth social movement, youth empowermen

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

The concept of youth is not consensual. However, that stage is generally understood as a period of intense transformations related to a setting of biological, social, economic and cultural determinants, as well as those ones related to autonomy development, insertion into the work market and life expectance. Facing the group’s diversity, its demands and precarious situation for a huge part of the youngsters, the State starts to develop several actions. In 2004, an inter-ministerial work group about youth was created and accomplished a mapping in which the fragility of the actions and programs for the youngsters were verified. In 2005, the following federal organs were created: Secretaria Nacional da Juventude (SNJ), Conselho Nacional da Juventude (CONJUVE) and Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens (PROJOVEM), translated respectively as National Secretary of the Youth, National Counseling of Youth and National Program of Youth Inclusion. Currently all those advances are under serious risks of being interrupted or terminated due to the conservative and authoritarian actions growth and the deterioration of the youth’s and other group’s rights. Aiming to add elements to an accurate analysis about the referred situation of Brazilian youth able to contribute to its overcome and to the spread of the debate about the mentioned subject, this study aims to: discuss and analyze the perspective of the youth emancipation at Brazilian capitalism context, identify the institutional spaces where the youngsters are, analyze the role of the State face to the youth human rights and mapping the organized youth social movements in order to analyze their structures. It is intended to develop documental analysis of the  current youth policies and the following documents: reports of three national conferences of youth, National Plan for the Youth and Youth Statute. The cited first stage is being accomplished and will guide to the State’s answers to the youth. The second stage will arrange interviews with members of the youth social movements to understand and analyze the perspective of emancipation they point out. So far, a mapping of the public policies to the youth has been done. According to National Secretary of the Youth’s website, there are six policies directed exclusively for the studied public: Programa Estação Juventude, Plano Juventude Viva, Projovem Urbano, Projovem Trabalhador, Juventude Rural and Pronaf Jovem. Projovem Adolescente is not on that list because of its target is teenagers, but this study will consider it because from 15 years old they can be considered youngsters. The mapping of the main Brazilian youth social movements has also been done and found the following structures: Levante Popular da Juventude (LPJ), Rua Anticapitalista, Pastoral da Juventude (PJ), Movimento Passe-Livre (MPL) e Fórum Nacional de Juventude Negra (FONAJUNE). At this moment, the theoretical chapters and the analysis of the cited texts are being done. 

Interno - 1720819 - ILANA LEMOS DE PAIVA
Externo ao Programa - 1715135 - JOANA TEREZA VAZ DE MOURA
Presidente - 567.442.008-44 - OSWALDO HAJIME YAMAMOTO - UFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/08/2016 11:27
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