Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 13/04/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Transversality of accessibility policies and inclusion of people with disabilities in higher education: an analysis of the federal universities of ceará.


Accessibility. Disabled person. Transversality. Institutional conditions. Educational policies in higher education

BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Administração

Brazilian legislation presents a series of provisions (laws, decrees and ordinances) that support the accessibility and inclusion policy for people with disabilities. This does not mean, however, that the forecast is being carried out. Indeed, there are ambiguities and contradictions in this process. Although studies indicate that there is a huge gap between public policies and everyday practices, especially in the educational context, there are also advances. One of them is the expansion of access for PwDs to higher education through affirmative actions and the creation of accessibility centers as of 2007 in Higher Education Institutions. These must provide for the accessibility and inclusion of these students in all sectors of the institution. This means assuming a transversal character, mediated by the accessibility centers, which can enjoy a greater degree of institutionalization (or ins titutional status), such as the secretariats, or the link to the rectory. However, these sectors act differently, depending on the degree of management commitment. For a transversality process to occur, it is necessary to have institutional conditions, covering instances and mechanisms that allow its management and, also, its democratization (with transparency, participation and social control). Institutional conditions may suffer interference such as the one that occurred in 2020, in the context of the Cov id-19 pandemic, which forced the adoption of emergency remote teaching, still without specific guidelines for its implementation, particularly affecting the accessibility of PwDs in IFES. Among these IFES are the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and the University of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony International Integration (UNILAB). These institutions have campuses in different regions of Ceará, a northeastern Brazilian state that has drawn attention for its results indic es in basic education assessments, and consequently an increase in reach to higher education, which has increasingly received a diverse audience of students from. While this is important for inclusion, it also creates additional challenges for managing accessibility for students with disabilities, especially if we consider the context of the pandemic, which has deepened inequalities and also brought the context of remote learning to higher education. In this context, this research raises the following questions: what are the institutional conditions for the transversality of policies for people with disabilities in IFES in Ceará? To what extent have they been transformed during the pandemic? Therefore, the research aims to investigate the institutional conditions for the transversality of accessibility policies and inclusion of PwDs in IFES in Ceará through a qualitative methodology based on the case study strategy. A survey will be carried out, in an exploratory and descriptive way, of the documents (international, national and internal of IFES) that structure the accessibility and inclusion of PwDs, also taking a look at the conditions of transversality in the pandemic. In this way, it seeks to contribute to the literature on the transversality of public policies and institutional conditions in the management of accessibility and inclusion for PwDs in higher education.

Interna - 1803472 - LILIA ASUCA SUMIYA
Presidente - 1697892 - MARIANA MAZZINI MARCONDES
Notícia cadastrada em: 30/03/2022 16:43
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