Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 02/08/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala de Reuniões do CB

Morphological and molecular studies of the genus Coleodactylus Parker, 1926 in Atlantic Forest remnants of Rio Grande do Norte


Speciation; genetic variability; Sphaerodactylinae; ecological niche modeling; genetics of populations; DNA sequencing; haplotypes.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Genética
SUBÁREA: Genética Animal

Evolutionary processes are multidimensional and usually more evident in isolated areas, rendering sympatric species susceptible to greater intrapopulation variation. Following this model, the five lizard species of the genus Coleodactylus occur only in forested areas of South America, and three of these in Northeastern Brazil, constituting the meridionalis group. In this clade, C. natalensis diverged 1.9 million years ago from C. meridionalis, maintaining high overlapping meristic characters. The latter inhabits forest remnants throughout Northeastern Brazil, and can inhabit Atlantic Forest sites where C. natalensis is endemic in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). In view of the restricted occurrence of C. natalensis, this work investigated potential areas of occupation, through species distribution modeling; in addition, it aimed to characterize the specimens morphologically and genetically, as well as to identify the existence of sympatry in these populations and the retention of molecular identities in this possible condition. For this, the populations of the genus were collected in Natal Dune State Park (PEDN), Municipal Park Dom Nivaldo Monte (PCNM), Environmental Protection Area of Jenipabu (APAJ) and Mata da Pipa State Park (PEMP). In the morphological analyzes, individuals deposited in the Herpetological Collection of UFRN were also included. For the construction of bioinformatics data such as haplotype networks and phylogenetic reconstructions, regions of the cytb, c-mos, RAG-1 and 16S genes were sequenced. As results, a restricted distribution model was obtained for C. natalensis, influenced by a small area of environmental suitability. Twenty five specimens of Coleodactylus spp. were collected, which meristically formed two groups: a first one composed of APAJ, PEDN, PCNM and PEMP, and another with only PEMP specimens. Molecular analyzes corroborated morphological results, with the same clusters mainly answered by cytb and 16S haplotype networks. The c-mos and RAG-1 genes were quite conservative in their sequences, linking individuals from distant locations in their networks. In the phylogenetic reconstructions, the PEDN specimens are the most basal and sister group of the other populations; PEMP is next to PCNM and the most distinct in nucleotide sequences. PCNM forms a clade with APAJ and a PEMP individual. In general, the generated model confirms that C. natalensis is a species with occurrence restricted to the Atlantic Forest remnants of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the analysis of the morphological and molecular results of this study suggests the existence of three subspecies composing the referred taxon.

Presidente - 1453487 - KATIA CASTANHO SCORTECCI
Externa ao Programa - 1121066 - ELIZA MARIA XAVIER FREIRE
Externa ao Programa - 1997012 - RAQUEL CORDEIRO THEODORO
Externo ao Programa - 1865104 - SERGIO MAIA QUEIROZ LIMA
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/07/2019 07:00
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