Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 02/12/2019
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Departamento de Enfermagem

Construction of the proposal Nursing Diagnosis infeffective peripheral venous retourn in adult patients with cardiovascular clinical conditions.


Venous insufficiency, Lower Extremity, Nursing Diagnosis, Nursing Processes.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

This study aimed to construct the Nursing Diagnosis (ED) ineffective peripheral venous return in adult patients with cardiovascular clinical conditions directed to the NANDA International taxonomy. This is a methodological study, operationalized by the model of Lopes, Silva and Araújo (2012), consisting of three steps: Concept analysis, content analysis, and accuracy of clinical indicators. To achieve the objectives proposed in this study, the concept analysis step was performed based on the model proposed by Walker and Avant (2019) and operationalized through an integrative review, according to Walttemore Knalf (2005). The search in the literature took place between February and June 2019, and was carried out by a pair of researchers on the same days and places, on different computers, without communication, until the crossing exhaustion, according to the protocol built for this review. The following data sources were used: Science Direct, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (Cinahl), Pubmed (Public Medline), Cochrane, Web of Science and the Virtual Health Library (VHL). I was opted for an advanced, non- controlled search using the keyword: “Peripheral” and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) indexed descriptors “Venous Insufficiency”, “Lower Extremity” and “Leg”. The crossings were performed through the “AND” shot operator. In the initial search, 24,559 studies were found, which through screening, application of inclusion and exclusion criteria and thorough reading totaled the final sample of 136 publications. Of the studies found, were highlighted the ones from the last 5 years, 44 (32.35%), from North America, 69 (50.74%), with urgency for review studies, 52 (38.24%), with quantitative approach, 97 (71.32%) found in the Medline data source, 59 (43.48%) predominantly in the English language, 131 (96.32%). The information provided by the integrative review was presented descriptively and supported the stages of concept analysis. The analysis of the articles that made up the study sample allowed us to identify the components of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective peripheral venous return in adult patients with cardiovascular clinical conditions, identifying three attributes, 17 antecedents and 11 consequences of the diagnostic focus in question. Of the identified antecedents, were highlighted the structural and / or functional incompetence of the valves, 56 (41.18%), advanced age, 54 (39.71%), female, 42 (30.88%), obesity 40 (29, 41%) and calf muscle pump dysfunction, 33 (24.26%). Regarding the consequent, there were edema, 60 (44.12%), skin changes, 49 (36.03%) and pain, 35 (25.74%). In order to offer total, individualized and well-planned care, it is essential that nurses have nursing diagnoses that cover the human responses found in care practice in order to accurately infer the real needs of caring individuals to offer total, individualized and well planned care. It is concluded that the obtained data can support the construction of ND Ineffective peripheral venous return, promoting taxonomy improvement and offering a ND that contemplates the human responses presented by this group of patients, until then incipient.


Externa à Instituição - CAMILA TAKÁO LOPES - UNIFESP
Presidente - 1552864 - ALLYNE FORTES VITOR
Externa ao Programa - 4330566 - JESSICA NAIARA DE MEDEIROS ARAUJO
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/11/2019 14:55
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