Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 05/02/2024
TIME: 09:00

PANDEMIC CAPITALISM AND THE NEW MORPHOLOGY OF WORK IN SOCIAL WORK: an analysis of complaints of violations of professional labor rights received by COFI - CRESS/RN (2020 - 2022)


Pandemic Capitalism; New Morphology of Work; Social Work; Public health; Inspection of Professional Practice.

PAGES: 110
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

The analysis of the Social Work profession cannot be carried out separately from the macrostructural elements that are revealed in the present marked by the convergence between a capitalist crisis of a structural nature and the health crisis resulting from Covid-19. Crises are the nature of capitalism, but they carry with them a way of being based on the particularities of historical moments and national realities. If it is true that the profession of Social Work, analyzed in light of critical theoretical-methodological foundations, is not separated from societal transformations, the convergence of crises that are occurring in the contemporary world greatly determines professional practice in the most diverse socio-occupational spaces. In this sense, the dissertation presented here has as its central objective to analyze the structural crisis of capital in its relationship with the global health crisis and the repercussions for the professional work of social workers who labour in the highly complex services of the SUS in the city of Natal/RN. This is research with a quantitative-qualitative approach, based on the critical dialectical method developed through bibliographical research and documentary survey based on the analysis of complaints received by the Comissão de Orientação e Fiscalização (COFI) of the Conselho Regional de Serviço Social da 14ª Região (CRESS/RN) and the meeting minutes of this organization. Furthermore, the activity reports of the aforementioned committee and the bulletins issued on the CRESS/RN website were also analyzed. Regarding the results obtained, we highlight that, in the spectrum that forms a “new morphology of work” in Social Work, the expressions of flexibilization and precariousness of professional work stand out, with informality and outsourcing still not being a rule for the absorption of the workforce of social workers present in health services, although it is necessary to highlight informality and outsourcing as existing features that we point out as a trend in health services. Furthermore, the pandemic accelerates processes that already exist in daily professional health policy, such as the massive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which we consider a crucial expression of the new morphology of work, materialized in the home office format, teleworking, filling out spreadsheets, records in health information systems and electronic medical records. The crisis scenario is also a fertile ground for appealing to institutional requests that are not supported in the field of professional duties and skills, though this has already been a part of the workers routine for some time. This is a demonstration of the archaic elements that are revived in this historical period, in fact, elements that have not been completely overcome either by employing institutions or by some professional strata. This time, the new and the old merge into a composition that is reproduced on a large scale in the face of the convergence of crises. This forms a basis that imposes the defense of the quality of professional work which, as a rule, is carried out by the CFESS/CRESS Joint through guidance and supervision actions of professional practice.

Interna - 1958916 - EDLA HOFFMANN
Interna - 2363499 - ELIANA ANDRADE DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - ANA PAULA FERREIRA AGAPITO
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/01/2024 09:01
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