Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/08/2022
TIME: 09:00
WAR AGAINST WOMEN IN BRAZIL: feminism as a weapon against contemporary patriarchy


patriarchal sex relations; conservatism; ideology; feminism; war against women.

PAGES: 274
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

In the last four years, Brazil has been impacted by a parliamentary, legal and media coup that, in the name of the ultra-neoliberal and ultra-conservative agenda, continues with a project to barbarize life. This conservative turn dates back to characteristics of the Brazilian socio-historical formation process and reinforces traits that have accompanied us since colonization, such as racism, patriarchy, and the anti-democratic character of the national bourgeoisie, with its summit agreements and its counterrevolutionary processes. The impacts of the ongoing coup affect the entire working class, but that class has color and sex, and black and poor women are the hardest hit. We assume that this conservative rise over women's lives is part of a globalized trend, reflecting the structural crisis of capital, which as a strategy to overcome the crisis uses the conservative ideology to preserve the overlapping system of relations of domination and exploitation of class, sex and race based on the process of primitive capital accumulation. In this way, we formulate as a central thesis of this work, that this conservative wave that has been advancing on Brazil since the 2016 coup, launches a war against women that has feminism, the main form of defense of women, its central target.From this, this work has as objectives: to understand the attack articulated by patriarchal conservatism, in the Brazilian peculiarities, on the feminist movement, which marks a real declared war against women; analyze how patriarchy has been strengthened by the advancement of conservatism in contemporary Brazil; to investigate how class, sex and race social relations are structured in Brazilian social formation and its historical developments; to analyze the main strategies outlined, on the patriarchal and feminist sides, in the ongoing war against women in Brazil. We will use four categories to account for analyzing our object: conservatism, ideology, patriarchal sex relations and feminism. We will use Marx's dialectical materialistic historical method, since we start from the understanding that the understanding of reality lies in understanding, in a historical and critical way, social relations in their antagonisms, contradictions and correlation of forces, an understanding founded on the perspective of totality that only the method founded on Marxian thought is able to offer. Our research will be of a qualitative nature and will be divided into three stages of theoretical, documentary and bibliographic analysis: the first, will analyze the fundamentals of the formation of the overlap between the relations of exploitation and domination of sex, race and class that form the capitalist system; the second, will smooth the path of conservative ascension in contemporary Brazil, placing the relationship between past and present in the current political framework that we live in; and the third, we will systematize the main forms of patriarchal attack and feminist counterattack of the war waged against women, taking the period from 2015 to 2021 as a historical outline.

Presidente - 1714329 - ANDREA LIMA DA SILVA
Externa ao Programa - 1091789 - JANAIKY PEREIRA DE ALMEIDA - UFRNExterna ao Programa - 3292331 - VERONICA MARIA FERREIRA - UFRNExterna à Instituição - MIRLA CISNE ÁLVARO - UERN
Externa à Instituição - TELMA GURGEL DA SILVA - UERN
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/08/2022 14:19
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