Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 31/05/2017
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala D1-A

Evaluation model of the Operations Strategy for Small and Medium companies of Natal / RN


Small and medium-sized companies, Manufacturing strategy, diagnosis

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia de Produção

The relevance of small and medium companies in the current Brazilian socioeconomic scenario is high. As an important source of jobs or tax collection, small businesses are also responsible for a large share of national production. Despite this, Brazilian small and medium-sized companies are little inclined to business innovation, limiting themselves to copying or importing technologies and forms of management of large foreign corporations that do little to fit their reality.

Studies carried out by business organizations indicate that knowledge of the business and lack of technical management skills are among the main risks registered among micro and small companies in Rio Grande do Norte and, in general, the management and strategy models available in the Business and academic literatures are predominantly focused on large corporations and corporations. There is also an established view that small businesses do not follow a formal strategy.

The importance of this segment can be translated, for the State of Rio Grande do Norte - RN, through the collection, generation of production and income, in addition to expressive impact in the generation of jobs for the population. According to SEBRAE, more than 95% of the formal companies generate about 52% of the formal jobs and 27% of the country's Gross Domestic Product, and in Rio Grande do Norte, this segment transferred R $ 184.7 million to the public coffers.

Given the importance of SMEs, in the regional and national context, the present work aims at the formulation of a tool that evaluates and points out forms of strategic management and operations more compatible with the real needs present in this type of companies. This tool will analyze competitive differentials by evaluating how your area of operations can bring differential in your product or service.

The methodology of the work assumes an empirical approach and has an exploratory-descriptive character; Because it seeks to know and study subjects that are little discussed in the research related to operations strategy and small and medium companies, increasing the knowledge about the research topic under study; And is descriptive because it seeks to understand and show how a particular phenomenon or community works. In the specific case of this work, at the end we will try to describe the diagnosis of operations strategies in Small and Medium Companies.

The research procedure will be conducted in five steps. The first is the literature review of existing operations strategy models and case studies of their applications in Small and Medium Companies. The second part is the analysis and definition of which points of each model can be used or adapted to evaluate the strategy of operations. The third one consists of the formulation of the theoretical model of the evaluation tool of the operation strategy, through a structured questionnaire. The fourth one contemplates the initial contact with the companies and the fifth one in the application of the model in the companies.

The expected result is an assessment of the situation of small and medium-sized companies based on the five objectives of production (quality, speed, reliability, cost flexibility), diagnosing their situation in relation to the production strategy, and with their results propose as the area of operations Can contribute as a differential in your products or services.

Externo ao Programa - 3636721 - DANIEL DE ARAÚJO MARTINS
Interno - 1229030 - HELIO ROBERTO HEKIS
Presidente - 1142787 - JOSE ALFREDO FERREIRA COSTA
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/05/2017 15:51
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