Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 16/08/2019
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Escola Multicampi de Ciências Médicas
Visceral Leishmaniasis Canine X Human Visceral Leishmaniasis: Reservoir Control and Early Diagnosis


Phlebotomine, Early diagnosis, Leishmaniasis.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Medicina Veterinária

Visceral leishmaniasis (LV) is a zoonosis, known as a protozoan of the genus Leishmania, transmitted through the bite of sand flies. Canids are considered the nurses' main reservoirs, which are also known as calazar. According to the Ministry of Health, the average lethality in the four years was 5.8% and in the perspective of reducing, it has implemented surveillance / patient care actions with LV. However, the measures adopted in them contrast with the reality experienced in many municipalities, such as Caicó / RN, where the number of infected persons does not reflect the percentage of diagnosed diseases, suggesting that it is a positive stimulus in their underestimated cases or that a euthanasia of dogs may not influence the occurrence of infected humans. With this study, this has been a general decision-making process for the early diagnosis of VL in humans from canine positivity, and as specific objectives: analysis of epidemiological data in the city of Caicó / RN in the period 2008-2017; to perform the diagnosis of dogs and humans living in places with animals previously diagnosed with Visceral Canine Leishmaniasis (LCV) in the neighborhood with the highest prevalence of canine infection in the period 2013-2017; and to correlate the epidemiological data of infected domestic dogs versus humans living in the household. It is a cross-sectional study with primary and secondary data, with a quantitative approach. The results of the epidemiological analysis indicated that between 2013-2017, there was a prevalence of dogs with LVC ranging from 1.23% -3.79%. In 2017, this prevalence among the districts of the municipality of Caicó ranged from 0% to 16.36%, with Bairro Frei Damião being the most prevalent, and therefore, it was selected for the development of the following phases of this research. Initially, there was the blood collection of the dogs domiciled in the Barrio Frei Damião in 2018, conducting the Canine Inquiry. The biological material was submitted to the rapid test DPP® Visceral Canine Leishmaniasis (Bio-Manguinhos). Of the 55 samples analyzed, 9 were confirmed by ELISA for LVC. In the 9 residences with dogs confirmed for LVC, the OnSite ™ (Bio Advance Diagnostic) immunochromatographic rapid test was used for the early diagnosis in humans. Thirty tests were performed, all of which were negative. With this, it is concluded that new approaches, with a larger population, should be performed to attest to the effectiveness of early diagnosis. In addition, it was observed that the highest prevalence of LVC in the municipality of Caicó / RN is in districts that facilitate the proliferation of sandflies and stray animals and that, therefore, there is a need for the implementation of campaigns that encourage responsible possession of animals, health education activities, as well as the regularity of garbage collection, the accomplishment of the entomological survey in order to know the dispersion of the vector in the municipality, as well as the improvement of working conditions in the Zoonoses Surveillance Unit, so that it is possible to carry out regular campaigns, fulfilling the role of surveillance in health designated the local sphere of government.

Presidente - 2245637 - MICHELLINE DO VALE MACIEL
Interno - 2072824 - MARCELO DOS SANTOS
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/07/2019 09:22
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