Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 27/07/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Google Meet

Água Viva: A Cosmovision Through Solitude


Brazilian Literature. Clarice Lispector. Água viva. Solitude. Cosmovision.

BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras
SUBÁREA: Literatura Brasileira

This research has as object of investigation the literary work Água viva, by Clarice Lispector (1973/1998a). Água Viva is characterized by the presence of stream of consciousness and an unexpectedly improvisational tone, in addition to not fitting into conventional genre conceptions. Thus, one of the main aspects of the work is the deconstruction (or reconstruction) of the definitions and limits of traditional literary genres. In the language of the book, in which the stream of consciousness stands out, a cosmovision, or conception of the world, is presented, in which the character of indeterminacy of existence is highlighted, which is placed as beyond the total control of the human being; at the same time, the existence of the being is conceived as strictly linked to the existence of the other, and to that of the world, as inseparable. Therefore, in this work, our objective is to investigate how this cosmovision is aesthetically constructed by the language of the work, especially in the symbolic structures represented and by the constitution of the book as a whole, with regard to its genre. To base this analysis, we consider the propositions of existential-phenomenology, specifically with regard to Martin Heidegger's thought on the conceptions of loneliness and anguish. In this sense, we take as a basis especially the works Os conceitos fundamentais da metafísica: mundo, finitude, solidão (2011), by Heidegger, and A existência para além do sujeito: a crise da subjetividade moderna e suas repercussões para a possibilidade de uma clínica psicológica com fundamentos fenomenológicos-existenciais (2011), by Ana Maria Lopez Calvo de Feijoo, emphasizing concepts such as being-in-the-world and being-with. This is because it is through solitude that space is created for the narrator-protagonist of the work in question to look at herself and understand herself — and, at the same time, not understand herself — as an individual, but also as part of a whole, which is expressed in the conceptions of existence constructed by the work, from an aesthetic point of view.

Presidente - 2312500 - MAURO DUNDER
Externa ao Programa - 1223367 - JULIANE VARGAS WELTER - UFRNExterna ao Programa - 1674934 - TANIA MARIA DE ARAUJO LIMA - UFRNExterna à Instituição - MARLISE VAZ BRIDI - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 17/07/2023 10:20
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