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DATE: 24/02/2022
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: Google meet -

Terminological subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice for people with Covid-19 in the context of Primary Health Care


Primary Health Care; Nursing; Coronavirus Infections; Nursing Process; Terminology.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

With a high worldwide incidence, Covid-19 consists of a disease transmitted mainly by the respiratory route, and has symptoms that can vary from mild to severe. Thus, the importance of Systematization of Nursing Care is highlighted, since it provides evidence-based care, and consequently an improvement in the quality of care provided to these patients. The objective of this study was to build a standardized nursing terminology for people with Covid-19 in the context of Primary Health Care, based on the Seven Axis Model of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®), in the light of the theory of Needs. Basic Humanities by Wanda de Aguiar Horta. This is a terminological study, which was developed in four stages, namely: 1) identification of terms relevant to the care of people with Covid-19 in the context of Primary Health Care; 2) Standardization and standardization; 3) Cross-mapping of the terms identified with the terms of ICNP®, version 2019/2020; 4) Classification of the terms found according to the Horta Model. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, with opinion No. 4,099,646, under Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment No. 33494920.8.0000.5537. From the process of selection and analysis of articles, a total of 42 publications were identified, among which 20 studies were examined in full and that met the pre-established criteria. In addition, 9 official documents were identified. Such documents went through the creation of the corpus, where the information was extracted and grouped in a document in the Word for Windows® program, containing 250 pages. After the analysis process, they were submitted to the PorOnto program, extracting a total of 18,109 terms. The extracted terms were organized in an Excel for Windows® spreadsheet and subjected to a normalization and standardization process, resulting in 844 useful terms. In the cross mapping, each list of terms was submitted, separately, to a process of crossing with the terms contained in the ICNP® through the Access for Windows® Version 2016 tool, resulting in constant and non-constant terms in the Seven Axis model of the ICNP®. Thus, 145 terms were classified as constants and 699 as non-constants. Among the constant terms, 24 made up the Action axis, 4 made up the Customer axis, 90 made up the Focus axis, 5 made up the Judgment axis, 2 made up the Location axis, 13 made up the Means axis and 7 made up the Time axis. The study allowed the structuring of a standardized nursing terminology for people with Covid-19 in the context of Primary Health Care, which could support the creation of a Terminological Subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) for care of nursing. Finally, it is believed that the results obtained will promote an improvement in the clinical practice of nurses for people with Covid-19, and consequently guarantee quality care, especially in the context of Primary Health Care, as it is in this scenario that the longitudinal follow-up of the population with this disease.

Externo à Instituição - AUREAN DECA JÚNIOR - UFMA
Externo à Instituição - HARLON FRANÇA DE MENEZES
Externa ao Programa - 1863377 - MARIA ALZETE DE LIMA
Notícia cadastrada em: 08/02/2022 10:19
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