Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 12/12/2016
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Departamento de Enfermagem da UFRN

Stigmas, prejudices and myths in the search for the loyalty of blood donors and social representations


Blood donors; Anemia; Aged; Social Psychology; Nursing.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Enfermagem

INTRODUCTION:  The Social Representation is always a representation of an object or a subject constructed by man's relationship with the environment. One of the features of Social Representation is to transform something unknown to something known and familiar. This transformation reveals the interdependence of psychosocial reality whose structural and structural elements are characteristic of its conceptual and figurative aspect. Data from the World Health Organization and the Brazilian Ministry of Health show that the number of altruistic, loyal blood donors is insufficient to meet current needs, endangering the lives of people who depend on this therapy. MAIN OBJECTIVE: Analyze culture aspects of blood donation, stigmas, prejudices and myths in the pursuit of loyal and regular donors using the Social Representations theory. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the blood donation from elderly subjects in a private transfusion service; analyze anemia as a temporary disability factor for blood donation; analyze the concept of "loyal blood donor"; verify the existence of loyal blood donors from the perspective of Social Representations. The sociodemographic and interview data were submitted to the Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segment de Texte (ALCESTE) and analyzed under Social Representation Theory methodologia and Central Core Theory complemented by the Bardin content analysis. METHODS: It is a quantitative and qualitative descriptive exploratory study using tools of the social representations theory. The survey was conducted in HEMOVIDA Hemotherapy Service Ltd, a private institution located in Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data of ineligibility from 2010 to 2015 were collected from the dedicated software Hemote Plus® using its Clinical Triage module.  86 elderly donors who met the inclusion criteria (age between 67 and 69 years and donated blood between November 2012 and November 2014) were invited to make a new donation.  Fifteen scientific papers on "Loyal Blood Donor" were analyzed using Walker and Avant concept analysis and a convenience sample of 121 individuals was used to test the concept. Sociodemographic and interviews data were submitted to the software Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble de Segment de Texte (ALCESTE) and analyzed using procedures of the Theory of Social Representations and Central Nucleus Theory complemented by Bardin content analysis. RESULTS: The ineligibility by anemia stands out with 51.47% among the most prevalent disabilities among female sex donors. Of the 86 invited seniors, 20 attended and of these only 8 aged above 67 years.  The concept of loyal blood donor, besides incorporating positive qualities and retaining varied presentation of similar terms, translates a semantic meaning that provokes comfortable and practical reactions in its use. Social Representation of the loyal blood donor originated four categories from the four classes generated by the software: “Society: people and others” (Class 4); “Helping the other” versus “People's life” (Class 2); “Helping the other” versus “People's life” (Class 3); “I have the opportunity but lack time to donate” (Class 1). In terms of Social Representation presents respectively the functions of orientation, knowledge, identity and justification. CONCLUSION: Ineligibility by anemia was verified in women due to menstrual blood loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding,. A low return rate of elderly donors was observed, probably due the to lack of information regarding the maximum age for blood donation and to ineligibilities due to comorbidities that are more prevalent in this age group.  The concept of “loyal blood donor” requires more studies for consolidation and to make this kind of donor more frequent in the blood stocks  replacement process. Refuting the alternative hypothesis, there are no social representations of the loyal blood donor, which is referred to the concept. It is concluded that the non loyal blood donors present the three dimensions of social representations: attitude, information and the representational field, while they are propagandized, published and not diffused in the investigated group, characterizing themselves as controversial social representations.

Interno - 338218 - CLELIA ALBINO SIMPSON
Externo ao Programa - 9350807 - ELIANE SANTOS CAVALCANTE
Externo à Instituição - FERNANDO DE SOUZA SILVA - UES - RN
Notícia cadastrada em: 18/11/2016 15:33
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