Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 21/12/2018
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Sala F4 - setor V

(IN) VISIBILITY OF INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE IN THE SCOPE OF THE SINGLE HEALTH SYSTEM (SUS): a study on cases of women victims of sexual crime occurred in Parnamirim / RN, from 2010 to 2018.


State; Citizenship; Institutional Violence; Sexual Violence; Sexual Crime.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

This study sought to capture and map the main manifestations of institutional violence practiced against women victims of sexual violence within the scope of Brazil’s Public Health Care System as known as SUS, in Parnamirim/RN between 2010 and 2018. Understood the Institutional Violence, such as that practiced by State, within the framework of institutions responsible for providing public services to the population, such as: hospitals, basic health care, schools, police stations, etc. The purpose of this research was to characterize and classify the way institutional violence has been presented in the health services of the municipality of Parnamirim/RN, distinguishing it from other forms of violence which, in general, comes along with institutional violence. And so, to map the types of institutional violence against women victims of sexual crimes, whose prosecutions for sexual offenses proceeded in Parnamirim/RN, seeking to understand possible relations with factors related to precariousness and structural inadequacies of services, and with sociocultural issues, as well as offering subsidies for coping with this violence in SUS health services. From the methodological point of view, we seek to problematize the determinants of institutional violence in the current context of the SUS, to elucidate and make this phenomenon visible as a public health problem. For this, we conduct a qualitative research that combines bibliographical and documentary research, and was preceded by the bibliographic research which permeated the whole process of approach and analysis of the object. The documentary research was carried out by means of a study of 11 (eleven) cases of sexual violence, which became processes in the 2nd Criminal Court of Parnamirim/RN in the years 2010 to 2018, verifying if there was any evidence of institutional violence, the result of which generally reveals that the main evidence of institutional violence against women victims of sexual violence is: the provision of misinformation to victims and even the non-availability of information; the non-compliance with the protocols envisaged by Law 12.845/2013, which deals with the care of victims of sexual violence, covers all agencies involved in the care of women (from police stations to public and private health services). Particularly noteworthy are the negligence related to insufficient registration of the basic information necessary to elucidate the facts that occurred in the course of the service performed, often ignored by the justice system itself. Being negligence, omission, malice and imprudence that contribute to the delay in access to prophylactic treatment and reiterates the resignation of the victim. In the scope of SUS, the delay for access to essential care recommended in the policy of comprehensive care for victims of sexual violence, which occurs both because of problems related to the precarious objective material structure (lack of medication, insufficient personnel), as well as for reasons related to the lack of knowledge and unpreparedness of the health team, especially physicians about the rights, norms and protocols of adequate care. And, also by behaviors that blame the victim, reproducing hegemonic prejudices and male chauvinist conceptions in brazilian society. It is concluded that part of such forms of institutional violence can be reduced through effective policies of continuing education of professionals who are part of the social protection system.

Presidente - 1149380 - MARIA DALVA HORACIO DA COSTA
Externo à Instituição - MARLY DE JESUS SÁ DIAS
Interno - 1169227 - RITA DE LOURDES DE LIMA
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/12/2018 08:34
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