Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 09/09/2019
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Auditório D -CCHLA

REASON AND HISTORY IN HEGEL: philosophical culture as freedom and education of the subject.


History, reason, state, culture, science.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Filosofia

      This dissertation aims to analyze, expose, verify and reflect on the concepts of Reason and History in the scientific and philosophical system elaborated by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), according to the perspective of the culture (Bildung) of the subject that reveals everything the process of formation that engenders the absolute logic of the idea, as well as the logos of nature and the movement of the Spirit. Such an education can only be realized when the subject acquires a philosophical culture that, from the dialectical method of historical investigation, was created by the schools of Philosophy that arose in classical Greece. Starting with Thales until get to Aristotle. The concept of substance and subject were defined by some of these thinkers who synthesized the organic mechanism of the whole as divine cause under the precept of conceptual theorist. Hegel is influenced by the studies of these philosophers who clarified the history of this knowledge that was still bound to the geocentric cause of the universe. It is in this political context of scientific discovery that the Greek city has since become the scene of studies regarding political power, the science of nature and the science of man, as well as concern for the destiny tragic of every generation that is tamed by the thought that corrupts the gods, nature and men. To make a judgment of the historical spirit of modern man and of all ancient world that precedes it, Hegel had to take cognizance of the crisis which evidences the tragic ethos of all Western culture that begins to be examined by Sophocles (495 b.C - 406 b.C) that wrote the first police novel in history. It is for this purpose that the poet reveals the decadence of the mythology repressed in the boat of Theseus, that is, in the State and its reason of being real, ideal and corrupted. The reason of State based on fortune and force of natural law is put in check by the hegelian logos. Therefore, the philosophical culture of the subject who acquires the freedom to think in History is only possible through the realization of self-consciousness within a State of law according to its prescription based on the idea of moral Reason that breaks with the dictates of power reflected in the law of the fittest. This trial is pronounced by the philosophical tribunal according to the defense of Philosophy as a rigorous science that investigates the whole history of man and the world through its concepts.

Presidente - 423522 - ALIPIO DE SOUSA FILHO
Interno - 980623 - GLENN WALTER ERICKSON
Externo à Instituição - ABRAHAO COSTA ANDRADE - UFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/09/2019 16:42
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