Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 03/08/2017
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala de Multimeios II

Em elaboração.


Professional Education; Federal Institutes, Political context.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

This dissertation work seeks to present the political scenario that led LuizInácio Lula da Silva to the presidency of the Republic (2003-2010), beginning his analysis of the effects of the double revolution of the eighteenth century in Europe according to Hobsbawm (1981).

The year 1808 is placed in the text as a frame of reference for bibliographical research and documentary analysis, which aims to investigate the political contextualization of the new institutional structure after 2008 at the Campus Natal - Central IFRN. The text dialogues with Brazilian authors, especially Saviani, Freire, Pacheco, Moura and DomingosSobrinho, in the themes of education, work and professionalization, while at the same time making a retrospective of Brazilian legislation in the period.

The history of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education started in 1909, a hundred years away from the arrival of the Portuguese royal family in Brazil, as well as 2008, when 31 Federal Centers of Technological Education (CEFET's) , 75 Decentralized Teaching Units (UNeD's), 39 Agrotechnical Schools, 7 Federal Technical Schools and 8 Universities Linked to Universities have ceased to exist to form the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology.

The scenario that precedes the new institutionality is political and electoral disputes. With the end of the military dictatorship (1964-1985), the political forces that originated in the democratic and popular movements, won the presidential elections in 2002, in alliance with sectors of Brazilian business.With the victory and the inauguration of the new government, the neoliberal environment that settled in the country in the 1990s will have a more qualified, less unionized and socially wider questioning.

Once the objectives have been met, the political context of the new institutionality resulting from Law No. 11,892 of December 29, 2008, is one of crisis and disputes. Crisis of the neoliberal model of economic and ideological domination at the international level and deep disputes that despite the government having delayed the effects of the economic crisis and implemented the expansion of the Federal Network beyond 2008 and maintained the project of the new government with the election of its successor DilmaRousseff (2010-2016) the environment of conflict with the liberal and conservative interests present in the coalition and its parliamentary support base led to the coup of May 2016.

Interno - 926826 - ADIR LUIZ FERREIRA
Interno - 333491 - BETANIA LEITE RAMALHO
Externo à Instituição - JOSÉ MOISÉS NUNES DA SILVA - IFRN
Externo à Instituição - MARIA DAS GRAÇAS BARACHO - IFRN
Presidente - 1149636 - MOISES DOMINGOS SOBRINHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/08/2017 09:28
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