Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 02/04/2024
TIME: 14:00


Scouting. Extracurricular education. Discipline. Body.

PAGES: 247
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
This doctoral thesis aims to analyze the scouting discourses for the physical development,
character and the so-called elevation of the intellect of children and young people from
Rio Grande do Norte promoted by scout groups in the capital of the State of Rio Grande
do Norte and its expansion to country towns, considering the ruptures and continuities of
these institutions in the period between 1917, the year of the installation of the Brazilian
Association of Scouts of Rio Grande do Norte, and 1923, when six groups of scouts from
the countryside and the Associação de Escoteiros Andantes de Natal were made official.
During this period, the scout movement was in a process of international and national
expansion, then reverberating in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, initially through the
process of installing institutions such as ABERGN, followed by the Alecrim Scout
Association, in 1919 and the Association of the Walking Scouts, in 1923. Its founders
used the local press and the Scouts themselves on parade to carry out propaganda for the
movement with a view to strengthening the image of these institutions. As an establishing
process, they constructed and disseminated legislation designed to regulate the bodies of
members by imposing rules of selection, surveillance and punishment. They also
established a connection between their speeches and the proposal of the movement
created in 1908 by its founder, retired english general Robert Baden-Powel (1859-1941).
I defend the thesis argument that the Scout Centers installed throughout the geography of
north Rio Grande do Norte during the period in question constituted a hybrid network of
disciplinary institutions, composed of voluntary associations, such as ABERGN, AEA
and Escoteiros Andantes, and by groupings attached to pre-existing educational
institutions. This occurred mainly due to the proximity of discourses on modeling bodies
considered healthy and healthy between scouting and civil sporting institutions at the time
and given the discursive relationship established by the common focus on the
disciplinaryization of bodies and minds between scouting and the State. This network was
consolidated as a strategic civil and State project that aimed to propose the realization of
Scout speeches manifested in educational regulations and practices such as civic parades,
masses, achievements of badges and outdoor journeys to learn camping techniques. A
discourse that complements school education and aims to discipline bodies and minds so
that they become useful in the service of the Fatherland. To create this text, I
problematized sources such as scouting legislation, the newspaper A República, Revista
de Ensino, photographs of the scouts and literature produced by Baden-Powell. These are
documents that contributed to understanding the construction of scout statements and
their discursive laws. Methodologically, I was guided by speech analysis based on the
guidelines of Michel Foucault (2020). In the meantime, I appropriated the concepts of
discourse, statement and discipline recommended by Michel Foucault (2020; 2014a), of
scout culture based on the understandings of Jorge Nascimento (2008), of school
legislation based on Luciano Faria Filho (1998). Finally, guided by the paths of Cultural
History, it was possible to understand the construction of discourses that built scouting
cultures at the time and their effects of rarity and repeatability. As a conclusion, Scouting
culture created a model of education that, through the speeches produced, aimed to make vi
children and young people so-called physically strengthened, with a character modeled
by civics and intellectually developed to carry out practical exercises.

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