PPGEP/CT PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO CENTRO DE TECNOLOGIA Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99419-2373 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/pep


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 29/05/2017
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Sala 222- CTEC

BASIC MODEL OF PROJECT PROCESS FOR VERTICAL BUILDING COMPANIES: In search of reduction of losses due to lack of compatibility of projects


Waste. Design process. Compatibility. Construction.

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia de Produção

Within the production patterns in which civil construction is based, there is the consumption of a considerable portion of exhaustible natural resources, and this industry is also responsible for a significant amount of global waste generation. As a measure to minimize or avoid the generation of Construction and Civil Waste (RCCs), it is proposed to act in its origin, which can be from conception (project) to the production phase (execution of the work). Considering the project as a starting point for the construction of buildings, it exerts a great influence on all constructive process and final product. As a measure of minimizing the generation of RCCs, it is proposed to work the flows of the design processes. The understanding of which stage of the process led to the generation of the debris is the first step in the implementation of actions aimed at reducing it. However, this understanding must also go through the identification of the cause of its occurrence, that is, the immediate reason for the generation of waste. Authors affirm that one of the expressive causes of RCC generation is the incompatibilities between the projects, which are only detected at the time of construction. Facing this scenario, one has the question: how to improve the design process to minimize the problems of incompatibility between the disciplines, which cause waste to the works, generating waste? To answer this question, through a study of multiple cases of an exploratory-descriptive nature, of an applied nature, with a qualitative approach, aims to propose a model of vertical building design process to reduce the problems of incompatibility of projects manifested in the execution of the building. As a way to reach the goal, it is necessary to map the project processes of the construction companies identifying the flow of information (inputs, outputs and controls) and process components (the project agents) and to counter them with those in the literature. It will also be necessary to identify the main incompatibilities that generate waste, the frequency of occurrence between the projects and in which projects are most present. The research universe will be composed of three construction companies that are registered with Sinduscon-JP and that, at the time of the research, have active works. At the end of the study, it is intended to identify which stages of the project process of the constructors represent obstacles to the efficiency of the executive project, eliminating or adapting them, proposing a process model focusing on the efficiency of communication and the compatibility of the projects, aiming to eliminate the causative linkages of waste in construction.

Presidente - 1723208 - CILIANA REGINA COLOMBO
Externo à Instituição - ALEXSANDRA ROCHA MEIRA - IFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/05/2017 14:57
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