Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 22/10/2020
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala Virtual RUTE do HUOL através do link:

Digits In Noise test in Brazilian Portuguese: Analysis of the influence of biological and socioeconomic factors and accuracy depending on the type and mode of presentation of the stimuli.


hearing, smartphone, mass screening, telehealth, hearing test, adults, elderly

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Fonoaudiologia

Introduction: Hearing impairment is a condition that needs to be diagnosed in an agile way for early interventions, minimizing the consequences of sensory deprivation. To meet the necessary demand, the use of screening instruments is indicated, which quickly assess the probability of the person having hearing loss. Among the screening options, there is the digits-in-noise test (DIN), which uses speech stimuli in competitive noise via smartphone, bringing a sound stimulus closer to everyday life. Validated in several countries and currently in the process of validation in Brazil, with possibilities for varying the mode of application, type of stimulus and analysis of the influence of biological and socioeconomic variables. Objective: Study 1 - Check and compare the accuracy of DIN in binaural presentations with diotic and antiphasic stimuli and monoaural presentations. Study 2 - Analyze the influence of variables of sex, age, education, socioeconomic level, degree and type of hearing impairment in the DIN response. Methodology: Both studies are cross-sectional, observational and prospective, approved by the Research Ethics Committee No. 2525183. The studies involved adolescent, adult and elderly subjects from a Hearing Health Center of the Unified Health System in Natal and a University Hospital at the Federal University Paraíba, in João Pessoa. In study 1, the DIN was performed with different stimuli and monoaural and binaural presentation, via smartphone with headphones, comparing the results obtained to the audiological reference exams performed on the same day by calibrated and blind researchers in relation to the DIN and audiometry results. pure tone. ROC curves were established to define the cutoff bridge and measures of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value for all situations of application of DIN. In study 2, the digit-to-noise test was applied in a diotic way and the influences of sex, age, socioeconomic level, education and degree and type of hearing impairment were analyzed using Wilcoxon tests and Mann-Whitney U test in the inter and intrasubject. The level of significance adopted was 5%. Partial results: Study 1 - of the 84 subjects, between 18 and 90 years old, 61 (72.16%) had hearing loss. The sensitivity of the tests was higher for monoaural presentations (96.92%) and for diotic stimulus (95.08%). The highest specificity was found in the diotic stimulus (65.22%). The positive (87.88%) and negative (83.33%) predictive values were also higher in this stimulus. Study 2 - of the 395 subjects, 206 (52.15%) had hearing loss. There was significance between the variables age, education, socioeconomic level and degree of hearing impairment when comparing the digit test responses in noise. Type of hearing impairment and sex did not show significance. Preliminary conclusion: Study 1 - Among the diotic, antiphasic and monoaural presentations, the diotic stimulus showed better accuracy in the digit test in noise in Brazilian Portuguese. Study 2 - Age, education, socioeconomic level and degree of hearing impairment influence the response of the digits in noise test.

Externa à Instituição - ANA PAULA CORONA - UFBA
Externa à Instituição - DEBORAH VIVIANE FERRARI - USP
Presidente - 1804274 - SHEILA ANDREOLI BALEN
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/09/2020 10:34
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