


The Postgraduate Program in Systems and Computation of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte began its activities with a master's degree program in 1995. Its main objective is the training of high level professionals in the area of computing, both for higher education and research. The course was the result of a teacher training process initiated by the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics in 1987.

In December 1998, it obtained the CAPES recommendation, with the initial concept of 3.

In order to improve its concept as of the triennium 2004, a number of rules have been established in order to achieve the quality requirements of the MEC, such as the reduction of the maximum completion time and the annual accreditation of teachers.

In the first semester of 2007, the Program submitted to CAPES a project for a Doctoral Program in Computer Science. The project was approved at the 97th meeting of the Technical and Scientific Committee of CAPES, with concept 4. The activities of the Doctoral Program started in February 2008. In October 2007, as a result of the evaluation of the triennium 2004-2006, PPgSC / UFRN received concept 4.

During two three-year periods (2004-2006 and 2007-2009), the Program received concept 4, and it was highlighted on both occasions in the Reports of the Computer Science Area Committee that the PPgSC has indexes compatible with level 5 programs. Concept 5 was awarded to PPgSC in the triennial evaluation 2010-2012.


Programa de Pós-graduação em Sistemas e Computação
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada
Campus Universitário
Lagoa Nova
59078-970 Natal, RN
Daniel Oliveira ( (
(55) 84 3342 2225, branch 115.
(55) 84 9193 6407
Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations
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Program Coordination

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