
About the Northeastern Network of Biotechnology

The Doctoral Degree Program in Biotechnology - Northeastern Network of Biotechnology (RENORBIO) was accredited by CAPES in 2006, with grade 5. It is a network formed by teaching and research institutions from all states of the Northeast Region and of the state of Espírito Santo, uniting around 200 researchers who work in the different fields of Biotechnology. The first formal measure to integrate the Northeastern Region through Biotechnology occurred in August 2003, upon the signing of the Protocol of Cooperation between the Secretaries of Science and Technology of the States of the Northeast Region, giving full support to the Northeastern Network of Biotechnology - RENORBIO. Subsequently, in 2004, it was created the Northeastern Network of Biotechnology – RENORBIO, through the Ordinance (Portaria) of the Ministry of Science and Technology/MCT nr. 598, of November 26th, 2004, published in the Official Journal of the Union (DOU) on November 30th, 2004, Section I, page 16, defining its structure and mechanism of operationalization within the MCT (currently MCTIC/Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication). Thus, the RENORBIO doctoral degree program is the result of these first initiatives, being its base of support.

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Program Coordination

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