
The Graduate Program in Science and Engineering of Petroleum (PPGCEP) of UFRN began its activities in July/2006, with the provision of strictu sensu master’s and doctoral degree programs. Those graduated in one of the following undergraduate programs may apply to study at the PPGCEP: Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, in addition to other programs whose knowledge are compatible with the prerequisites required by the Program and that shall be analyzed by the  PPGCEP’s selection committee. Admission into the Academic Master’s degree and Doctoral degree programs occur annually and these programs are provided free of charge. Selection usually occurs mid-year, through curriculum analysis. Further information through or by calling 9224-0004 (office) or 9167-6502 (coordination).

Alternative Address

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: Not available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment

    E-mail: Not available at this moment

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