Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/08/2019
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Sala Multimeios 2 NEPSA I

SOCIAL DETERMINATION OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICE: conceptions that guide the work of the Social Worker in the current context of SUS



KEYWORDS: Social Work, Social Determination of Health, Social Determinants, Counter-Reform, Instrumental Rationality

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Serviço Social
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos do Serviço Social

This research seeks to reflect the incorporation of the Perspective of Social Determination of Health (PDSS) by the Social Work (SSO), problematizing its appropriation in the theoretical-practical mediations, based on evidence of its incorporation in the social record, considered the most technical-operative instrument. used in professional daily life. It points to the appropriation of the PDSS in the theoretical debate of the SSO and reflects on the ideopolitical perspective of health that hegemonizes and guides the content of the social record used in the UFRN hospital network, seeking to analyze the capacity of this instrument to grasp the real living conditions of the population SUS user. It is a qualitative research combining bibliographical and documentary research. We start from the premise that the PDSS expresses the struggle for health as a right in the context of the class struggle, while formulating the Brazilian Health Reform Project (PRSB) is linked to a social transformation project, which has a strong affinity for social direction. of the SSO Political Ethical Project (PEP). The bibliographic research revealed that the idea of Social Determination has been used by health professionals and also by social workers as a synonym of the conceptual model of Social Determinants of Health (SDH) as disseminated by the World Health Organization (WHO), resulting in a theoretical-conceptual distancing that rebounds in the theoretical-practical mediations, which do not intend at the level of Social Determination. This fact is expressed in the academic production, which presents few initiatives of approximation with the ideopolitical tensions of the PDSS, which in the current context of counter-reform tends to reflect in the field of instrumentality, which in turn focuses on the technical-operative instruments used in professional daily life. The set of analysis, and particularly the questions formulated in the social file that forms the basis of the social interviews conducted by the social workers in the UFRN hospital network, reveals strong indications of the hegemony of the concept of SDH in general restricted to the notion of associated intersectorality as an attributed activity. SSO within the framework of the hegemonic biomedical model. From the theoretical point of view we identified the existence of organic links between PDSS and PEP, explained in the centrality of the social issue for the professional exercise and training, present in the Code of Professional Ethics, in the Parameters for Health Care, the guiding axes for the formation present in the 1996 Curriculum Guidelines. Despite this close theoretical affinity, it was not translated into real incorporation of the profession to the PDSS, therefore not using its technical-political potential and theoretical-critical legacy to give visibility to the actions already developed in this direction, which would allow recognizing the importance of the SDH, but also to criticize its limits. In this sense, the research pointed to the need to expand investments in this debate in the field of training, so that the SSO can make its contribution to facing the challenges as a profession that enters the field of Collective Health with theoretical and methodological conditions to perform critical reading. about the real social and health needs of the user population from the perspective of human emancipation, affirming the PRSB and the societal project against hegemony with a view to building a mass democracy.

KEYWORDS: Social Work, Social Determination of Health, Social Determinants, Counter-Reform, Instrumental Rationality

Presidente - 1149380 - MARIA DALVA HORACIO DA COSTA
Interna - 347977 - MARCIA MARIA DE SA ROCHA
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/08/2019 13:58
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