Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 31/08/2018
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Multimeios II

Em construção


Democratic Management; School Council; CMEI; Participation.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

This dissertation analyzes the democratic school management in the guideline implemented from the Federal Constitution of 1988 and Law 9394/1996 of the Guidelines and Bases of National Education. The study discusses the recommendations made by the members of the School Councils (CE) of the Municipal Centers of Early Childhood Education (CMEI) of the educational network of the municipality of Natal / RN. The institutionalization of this process in the CMEI occurred recently by the enactment of Complementary Law 147, of February 4, 2015, which provides for the democratization of public school management in the municipal teaching network of the Municipality. By adopting a dialectical theoretical-methodological base, this work is based on the studies of: PARO (2016), GADOTTI (2000), (BORDENAVE (1992), CABRAL NETO, SOUSA (2008), CURY (2000), KUHLMANN JÚNIOR), LUCK (2013), among other authors. Methodologically, he used the axis of qualitative research (LÜDKE and ANDRÉ, 2015) and the support of the bibliographic-documentary survey. The empirical data collection was carried out in four CMEI of the capital Potiguar, located geographically in administrative zones that present a high number of enrollments in the level of Infantile Education in the Network. The data were collected from the CE board members of said CMEI, through the application of a questionnaire consisting of questions of answers, open and closed. From the perspective of the conceptual base referred to above, we studied the policies and the Brazilian educational legislation, from the post-CF-88 period, in order to understand the category of participation materialized through the actions implemented when the school councils were implemented and implemented in public education networks national authorities. For that, we discuss the propositions and practices concerning the development of the processes of participation of the individuals in the collegiate managers existing in the public school and coming from the experience of democratic school management. The analysis of the bibliographic-documentary material in consonance with the empirical data made it possible to verify that: the
participation and the knowledge of the advisors regarding the administrative￾political and pedagogical dynamics of the CMEI is small and formalistic; the practice of CE meetings on a regular and continuous basis has not incorporated the administrative dynamics of the CMEI; the managers define the operating guidelines of the Collegiate; in the CE exercise there is no participation of members of the exogenous and circumscribed community; and finally, a portion of the members of the school community consider the direct or indirect participation of children in relation to the activities carried out by the CE to be unnecessary, and
even those who admit this possibility reveal difficulties or lack of knowledge about how to use this participation. We conclude that the participation of the school community in the CE of the CMEI is insufficient, occurs in a similar way to other processes of democratization of state public management in capitalist society, which becomes truncated as a consequence of a system in which economic, social and political relations survive - power with an authoritarian nuance derived from bureaucratic-patrimonialist and managerial practices of management. However, it is important to consider that positive aspects are generated that benefit members of the school community by expanding knowledge about the administrative-political dynamics of public school management and the gradual increase of participation in deliberative colleges.

Presidente - 1458867 - GILMAR BARBOSA GUEDES
Externo à Instituição - JOSE MATEUS DO NASCIMENTO - IFRN
Externo ao Programa - 2321231 - RUTE REGIS DE OLIVEIRA DA SILVA
Externo à Instituição - SUELDES DE ARAUJO - UFERSA
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/08/2018 14:21
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