Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/08/2016
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Auditório de Antropologia (Sala C-5 do Setor II)

Resonant heart - affections, bodies and machines in the electronic music parties


Affectation; body; music; machine; electronic music parties.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Sociologia Urbana

The aim of this study is to explore the various sensitivities and ways of affecting and being affected, not only comprising the affections in the plane of the subjects, but also taking as passages flows for different forms of expression and connection. In electronic music parties, affections are produced and also potentiated by the musical and social machines that act directly on the body and alter the process of sociability. Affections, bodies and machines work here as conceptual operators to understand the social, cultural and philosophical dimensions of electronic music parties. Affection is seen here from the perspective of Spinoza (1677/2010) as a condition of the body, an action, a power of action that can be increased or decreased. Affections in electronic music parties can be triggered by the music action on individuals, the participants each other or potentiated through drugs, especially ecstasy, which act directly on the body. Spinoza (1677/2010) traces two definitions about the body: the kinetics, the body is directly connected to the relations of speeds and slowness, motion and rest, is this relation of speeds and slowness that will form the body. Already the other definition is dynamic, whole body is defined by a certain power of being affected. The affects are enhanced also through the machines that act directly on the body. The machines are also seen as extensions of the human body, cut flow systems with capacity of production and creation. The machines can be artificial, human and social. Gilles Deleuze (2010), Felix Guattari (1988) and Edgar Morin (2008) are the main theoretical support to think the concept of machine. From this premise, is possible the connection between artificial and human machines in electronic music parties, which were perceived diferente kinds of affectations: bodily, sonorous, social and machinic. The affectation is directly linked to the concept of Spinoza (1677/2010) of feelings and affections. Refers not only to the state of the body when it affects and is affected, but also to action, the transformation that the body suffers / acts when it is affected or affects. Affectation corresponds to all the affective process. The affectations can be bodily, when the body is affected by another body; sonorous, when the body is affected by any sound stimulus; social, when the human body connects with another human body or artificial and machinic, when the body is affected by machines. The empirical cut covers two electronic music festivals, the King festival in Recife and the Dream Valley in Florianopolis and electronic music parties located in Natal, especially PAJUX. The research method it is a complex cartography, in which mesclo the cartographic method proposed by Deleuze & Guattari (1995) with support in the epistemology of complexity of Edgar Morin (2007a).

Presidente - 6348127 - JOSIMEY COSTA DA SILVA
Interno - 1149447 - NORMA MISSAE TAKEUTI
Externo à Instituição - SIMONE LUCI PEREIRA - UNIP
Externo à Instituição - THIAGO SOARES - UFPE
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/07/2016 14:25
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