Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 21/08/2023
TIME: 15:00
Dyscalculia: History, Memory, Transformaction


Dyscalculia. Mathematics Teaching. Inclusion. Narratives. Educational Product.

PAGES: 166
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Fundamentos da Educação
SPECIALTY: História da Educação

Dyscalculia is a specific impairment in arithmetic learning that occurs in individuals without necessarily neurological, psychiatric, sensory and emotional disorders. In line with this, one can see in the space-time of/in the school routine numerous difficulties of students related to the ability to solve mathematical problems and certain skills with calculations – do these difficulties intersect with Dyscalculia? It is understood that at the center of a historiographical investigation with narratives, reflections about dyscalculic students are necessary, giving visibility to the eyes of the educational system, especially to the Mathematics teacher, who may have assertive actions for these students in the classroom context. Based on this premise, the general objective of this investigation was defined, which consists of elaborating a historical narrative of the processes of identification, diagnosis, intervention and inclusion of a dyscalculus student in a school in the city of Assú/RN. For that, we rely on a qualitative research, highlighting interpretations, values and human experiences. In this vein, it is linked to bibliographical and documental research. For that, as an instrument, interviews were used in order to reconstitute and narrate how the teaching and learning of Mathematics of a student who has Dyscalculia takes place and what this diagnosis demands from those around him. In view of this, the results presented take place in two axes: the voice of the actors, those who experience Dyscalculia - parents, students, teachers, psychopedagogues - the (trans)form(action) of their practices was described, in view of the reality experienced and, an Educational Product – a video – that brings, through Cordel Literature, the existence of dyscalculus in schools, highlighting the importance of this diagnosis, of their families and members of the school. The first is developed from a discussion intertwined with intertextuality. The second, in turn, underwent an analysis process with Mathematics teachers, pedagogues and Mathematics undergraduate students, with the aim of ascertaining, in the final step, the relevance of the aforementioned production. In view of the discussions and reflections raised throughout this study, we concluded that, with the narrative, we were able to perceive contributions to the understanding of the processes of identification, diagnosis, intervention and inclusion of students in the school context, because based on the statements of the interviewees, we reflected to the importance of accompanying the student from the first school activities, with the intention that these can lead to an accurate diagnosis with professionals who work in this scenario. In addition, the school will allow itself to be a driving force, together with the family, so that there are pedagogical interventions in the construction of knowledge of dyscalculus. In addition, inclusion gains centrality. This, in turn, is a preponderant axis capable of making the dyscalculus student immersed in school and social spaces.

Presidente - 3315007 - LILIANE DOS SANTOS GUTIERRE
Interna - 3331328 - GISELLE COSTA DE SOUSA
Externo à Instituição - MARCELO BEZERRA DE MORAIS - UERN
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/07/2023 15:32
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