Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/04/2018
HORA: 09:30
LOCAL: Auditório do NUPEP



Disaster; Child; Preparation; Drill; School; Risk Perception.

GRANDE ÁREA: Engenharias
ÁREA: Engenharia de Produção

Disasters lead to property damage, loss of animal and human lives, with the largest number of that are affected as children, adolescents, women, people with disabilities, the elderly and the poor. Where societies were educated and prepared for disastrous events, they occurred with significant reductions of victims. As many school communities of elementary school are located in disaster risk areas, and concentrate large numbers of people most vulnerable to disasters, because they bring together children under the age of fifteen, formally, it is crucial that they receive preparedness actions to deal with the risks and disasters. Schools of basic education, as they are also called, can play a crucial facilitating role in developing and enhancing perceptions of risks in their population, especially in children, and in promoting training that fosters the development of attitudes, safe and resilient skills in facing possible risks and disasters. Brazil is the country of Latin America that has the largest contingent of children and adolescents. Although there are several factors that determine children's perception of risk, the fact is that the younger they are, the lower their perception of risk is, consequently, the greater their vulnerability to risks and disasters is, and their greater dependence on others is. However, children are able to give their opinions and participating in all matters that affect their lives. In view of this, the research project has a general objective an awareness process about the children of elementary schools in the city of Natal/RN. Quantitative methods (survey) and qualitative (case study) will be used characterizing this research as a multimethod study. The research will be conducted in schools of the municipal and state public primary school I (initial years - 1st to 5th year) of the city of Natal/RN, in three main stages. The first one will consist of conducting a survey in schools located in the four administrative zones, north, south, east and west of the city of Natal/RN. To carry out the survey, a semi-structured questionnaire will be applied to investigate the students’ perception of the risks which they are exposed to at school, in the neighborhood and in the city, as well as the skills they have to deal with possible risks and disasters to which they may be exposed. The study sample will be made up of 5th-year students. The technique used in this phase for the selection of schools will be stratified sampling, due to the social, economic and cultural differences between the four zones, as well as the quantities, different degrees of risk areas and the number of students present. The second and third phases also became committees of the 5th-year of a school located in the district of Mãe Luíza (Natal/RN). As it is necessary to make the choice of the school, in addition to access, the fact that the neighborhood and the school are at very high risk of disaster. In addition to that, this neighborhood has been hit by several disasters over the years, one of which occurred on June 13 and 15, 2014, generating a high impact, with the formation of a crater, whose large area reached the school’s area, which was flooded by the rains. Concerning the second stage, a series of topics will be applied, with the purpose of restoring the members of the school community in question, the results obtained in the research. Focus groups will have an average duration of 60 minutes and will have about three to five students in each group. At this stage, students will be able to freely discuss the issues addressed in the survey, in order to identify whether the perception of initial risk, given by the members of the school in the case study was carried out, will change or not, from the confrontation of the overall result of the risk perception of the set of all the schools, provided by the survey. The third step will be to conduct a case study at the school where the focus groups will take place. The students, teachers and other employees of this school will receive, in advance, general information and guidelines on a possible simulated exercise of an evacuation, based on a critical event, to be held at a future date and in an undefined shift to ensure the realism. The simulated exercise will be presented by a group of observers and an evaluation tool will be applied, which will be considered a problem of risks and disasters, concerns about the perception of risks, the use of technologies, the behaviors adopted and the individual and collective skills carried out during an evacuation of the risk area. Immediately after this exercise, a debriefing will be held with the participants to self-assess the simulated exercise. The purpose is to discuss the positives, which need to be maintained and strengthened, and the negatives, which need to be eliminated or improved, to exchange experiences in order to improve the perception of risk and safety skills and resilience in a real situation of risk and disaster. With this research is expected: to identify the main aspects of the situation, that create and make difficult the perception of the risks of disasters of the Elementary School I; identify and analyze the various strategies and ways to deal with risk and disaster, both individually and collectively; identify and analyze the forms of cooperation and coordination observed; identify and analyze the use of technologies; develop guidelines for the safe and resilient evacuation of children from schools at risk of disaster; formalize the simulated exercise model for the evacuation of children from schools at risk, in order to improve the perception of risk and skills against this type of situation.

Interno - 1218831 - CARLA ALMEIDA VIVACQUA
Externo ao Programa - 1217091 - PITAGORAS JOSE BINDE
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/04/2018 10:53
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