Convite: Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS) / Siimpósio Brasileiro de Robótica (SBR)


Próxima semana ocorrerá em Natal, em formato virtual, o Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS) / Simpósio Brasileiro de Robótica (SBR), que podem assistir via canal do YouTube. 

Segue abaixo o convite feito pela organização do evento.


Hi all,
we are happy to announce that LARS/SBR technical sessions
and plenary talks will be freely available for anyone
to watch live through the Natalnet Laboratories Youtube channel:

Also, we would like to invite the community to join our
Discord server:

We have set up text channels in the Discord server to allow
an asynchronous discussion of the technical sessions in
which everyone can ask questions about the published works.

Additionally, we configured several voice channels in which
people can virtually interact, either by asking paper
presenters or by just having a conversation with an old friend.

Have a great event!

LARS/SBR Chairs.


Bruno Marques F. da Silva
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/11/2020 23:14
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