Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 23/12/2019
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala 22

One is not born, but rather becomes, a female teacher: a study about gender and sexual diversity on two college cello teachers’ professional development


Gender. Women college teachers. Teaching Professional Development

PAGES: 150
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes
SPECIALTY: Instrumentação Musical

This research is inserted in the intersection between the thematic fields as gender and sexual diversity and Music Teacher Professional Development. Its aims to investigate the Teaching Professional Development of two women cello teachers at federal universities in the Northeast region, locating their conceptions about gender and sexual diversity in / for music education. In order to achieve this goal, I listed the following specific objectives for this dissertation: to know the collaborators' music training narratives; to know their professional acting trajectories in music; to identify the relationships that are established between their training narratives and their professional acting trajectories in the area; and to locate their experiences, reflections and teaching conceptions about gender and sexual diversity in / for the formation and performance in music and / or in its teaching. The research is theoretically based on gender propositions by Butler (2003) and Scott (1995; 2010), but has its theoretical path started in sociological studies, based on Bourdieu (2002) propositions related to male domination; Education, based on the discussion about female teachers of Louro (2017) and 2016); and Music Education, based on the understanding and propositions of Green (1997) on musical patriarchy. Methodologically, the work is based on the case study perspective (YIN, 2001). Within the chosen method, I used as techniques for collecting empirical material: narrative and semi-structured interviews conducted in four sessions - two with each collaborator (Simone and Caroline) and document analysis (curriculum
Lattes, Pedagogical Projects of the Courses and brazilian political-educational legislation). The stages of organization and analysis of the materials collected allow me to indicate that both interviewees have similarities in relation to academic education and personal life, however, show differences in their achievements, professional perspectives and conceptions about gender and sexual diversity in their pedagogical practice: while Simone, who works in a music degree course, reports that, in addition to the instrument classes, she engages politically in university life, proposing actions aimed at empowering women in academia, as well as the discussion about the condition of LGBT people at university.; Caroline, who works in undergraduate baccalaureate and music degree courses, seems to focus on the technical and interpretative aspects of the cello's canonical repertoire and to be absent from discussions and actions that can promote the reception of diverse people in the academy. The analysis of the collected empirical material allows me to glimpse the complexity that lies in the path of female university teachers in the area.

Externo à Instituição - LUCIANA MARTA DEL BEN
Externa ao Programa - 2321206 - TAMAR GENZ GAULKE
Presidente - 1149577 - VALERIA LAZARO DE CARVALHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/12/2019 19:24
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