Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 07/10/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Remoto - video conferencia

SURVEILLANCE OF DRINKING WATER QUALITY: literature review and validation of an evaluation model


Drinking water. Public Health Surveillance. Collective Health. Human Right. Bioethics. Health Assessment. 

PAGES: 102
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva
SUBÁREA: Saúde Pública

Water for human consumption is an indispensable good for health, having been recognized by the United Nations (UN) as a fundamental human right, and is included as goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which seeks access to safe water. for all by 2030. Water quality is a health protection factor and its quality and potability standard follows the World Health Organization (WHO) standards and recommendations, nationally regulated by the Ministry of Health, which defines safe parameters for its use. In the Unified Health System (SUS), the National Environmental Health Surveillance Program related to the quality of water for human consumption (Vigiagua), works to guarantee the supply of quality water to the Brazilian population. In the meantime, recognizing the importance of providing safe and quality water for the health of the community, the objective of the thesis is to evaluate the surveillance of the quality of water for human consumption. As specific objectives: a) Discuss the need for a critical view of collective health to the issue of quality water as a fundamental human right, considering it a bioethical representative for the achievement of global health; b) Propose a scoping review protocol to identify and map global actions and initiatives to monitor the quality of drinking water implemented by government agencies or public health services; c) Identify and map drinking water quality surveillance actions and initiatives implemented worldwide by government agencies or public health services, and d) Describe the process of construction and validation of the theoretical/logical model and matrix of criteria for evaluating the Vigiagua program. It is an evaluation study made up of the following steps: (1) elaboration of a reflective theoretical essay that discusses the need for a critical view of collective health for the issue of quality water as a fundamental human right, considering it a representative bioethics for achieving global health. (2) elaboration of a scoping review to identify and map the water quality surveillance actions for human consumption implemented worldwide by government agencies and/or public health services; (3) carrying out a methodological study for the construction and validation of the theoretical/logical model and matrix of criteria for evaluating the Vigiagua program. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes, through opinion number 4,816,314, CAAE: 47769421.1.0000.5292. The results of the proposed methodological steps supported the writing of three scientific articles, being (1) “Global health, bioethics and the human right to water: necessary reflections for collective health”; (2) “Surveillance of drinking water quality around the world: scope review protocol”, (3) “Water Quality Surveillance for Human Consumption Actions and Initiatives around the world: Scoping review”, and find- article (4) “National program for monitoring the quality of water for human consumption (Vigiagua): logical model and matrix of evaluative indicators” is being prepared. It is intended that the results from the thesis contribute to improving the quality of the program under study and support professionals and managers in carrying out their actions. 

Presidente - 1245215 - SEVERINA ALICE DA COSTA UCHOA
Interna - ***.578.944-** - GRÁCIA MARIA DE MIRANDA GONDIM - ENSP
Externo à Instituição - Alexandre Pessoa Dias
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/09/2022 07:09
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