Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 17/11/2016
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Laboratório Didático I - Depto de Ecologia

Evolutionary history of dwarf-geckos (Lygodactylus, Gekkonidae) in South American continent


Lygodactylus, South America, Caatinga, phylogeny, phylogeography, São Francisco River

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Biológicas
ÁREA: Ecologia

Different processes of diversification have been acting on organism over time. They can be of a large spatial/temporal scale, as a continente disjunction, or in local scale, as the presence of rivers and uplift of mountains. Still, little is known about the processes that led to the diversification throughout the biome Caatinga. Thus, what are the origin and the mechanisms responsible for generating and shaping the diversity in this biome? Our work is divided in two chapters: (i) Phylogeography of Lygodactylus klugei and (ii) Phylogeny of Lygodactylus. In the first chapter we used a phylogeographic approach to test which events were responsible for shaping the diversification of Lygodactylus klugei in Caatinga biome. For this, we assign populations, estimated the divergence time between them, migration, demography and diffusion. We find two populations of L. klugei in Caatinga biome, one at north and one at south of São Francisco River (SFR). The divergence occurs during late Pleistocene, coinciding to the change of course of SFR to actual course. We detected a migration pattern between populations, more specifically from northern population to southern population. That shows that the river is a permeable genetic and geographic barrier for this species. It was also found an expansion in northern population coinciding with Caatinga expansion during the Pleistocene climate changes. In de second chapter we pursue to understand the relationships among species of the genus Lygodactylus, focusing to South American species. We obtained sequences for L. klugei, L. wetzeli, two new candidate species along the diagonal of open formations and 18 other African species of Lygodactylus. We estimated phylogenetic relationships and divergence time among the species. We recovered monophyletism within the South American Lygodactylus. The African most phylogenetically related species is distant for this group approximately 28 million years, which reached South America via transoceanic dispersal. Our results highlight the importance of both old and recent events shaping the patterns of diversity in the Caatinga.

Presidente - 1678338 - ADRIAN ANTONIO GARDA
Externo à Instituição - ELIANA FARIA DE OLIVEIRA - UFMS
Interno - 1715227 - GABRIEL CORREA COSTA
Notícia cadastrada em: 04/11/2016 16:42
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